Sunday, August 18, 2024

A Weird Week in Oklahoma Politics: Ryan Walters Goes One Step Beyond

 Oklahoma State Superintendent of Public Education, Ryan Walters wakes up every day with two things on his mind. The first is how to get his face in front of as many cameras as possible. The second is making sure public schools in Oklahoma and the Oklahoma State Department of Education are run, His Way. He is quite adept at the first thing. You can't watch local news in this state without seeing his scruffy mug making excuses for his behavior. Unfortunately, when it comes to the second, His Way isn't always, The Legal Way. In fact, one can make the argument many times it isn't even close. 

One of Brother Walters' favorite moves is to hold up federal and state funding to districts. There has been some debate as to why he does this--it's not like they're OSDE monies--however, one has to suspect he is letting those districts know if they don't do it, His Way as far a he is concerned their students can go dumpster diving for their next lunch. Now, though, Walters' hubris driven extortion scams might have taken him to the edge of disaster.

Media reports surfaced last week that Walters and his OSDE toadies were denying districts money appropriated by the legislature for upgrades in school security systems. Now, Oklahoma republicans don't mind screwing over public school kids when it comes to academics and after school programs, but none of them want to take the rap for another Uvalde, TX style school massacre. After the news of the funding delay broke, it didn't take long for the excrement to hit the fan.

Republican legislator Mark McBride demanded that Oklahoma House Speaker, Charles McCall begin an impeachment investigation of Ryan Walters. A letter was signed by nearly two dozen republican members of the house agreeing with him. Walters immediately went to the media, appearing on two OKC TV stations last week alone. His claim was his department was simply attempting to make sure the disbursement of the funds was done in a legal manner. As soon as he receives a decision, he said, the money would be handed out. That's right, we don't give a rat's ass about open meeting laws, or open records requests, not to mention questionable spending for personal promotion, but when it comes to school security, by God, we're going to make sure all the i's are dotted and the t's are crossed.  

Last Monday, McCall said he would not begin an impeachment investigation of Walters unless 51 house republicans asked him to do so. On Thursday, however, he gave the green light for an investigation of not Walters, per se, but rather the entire OSDE by the Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency. 

This did not sit well with Superintendent Walters. Friday afternoon, he called the press together at the doors leading into the house chamber in the capitol. Then things got a tad, outré. Walters claimed McCall was launching a political attack on him solely because the Speaker wants to run for governor in 2026 and he, Ryan Walters would be his chief opposition. In short, McCall, the guy who saved his ass just days before, is now pulling a political hit job for purely selfish reasons. Then the Superintendent of Oklahoma's Public School System went one step beyond. He demanded the Oklahoma House of Representatives and Charles McCall begin impeachment proceedings against him at once--as in tomorrow. Let's go you woke RINO bastards, he was saying, take your best shot.

Long time Oklahoma politico, Mike Turpin speculated what might have gone wrong with the wiring in Ryan Walters' brain. Maybe, he said, we've just witnessed an act of political suicide. Or perhaps Walters is so scared of his department being investigated he is desperately trying to provoke the House into ditching its investigation, which might turn up something really damaging, in favor of a willy nilly rush to impeach him on charges he knows he can beat. Whatever the case Turpin feels Ryan Walters as, "embraced victimhood." 

Well, they all do don't they. From Trump on down all these right wing strong man wannabes sling shot back and forth between being an arrogant bully with no regard for law, or decency to some type of poor, persecuted, misunderstood, upholder of truth, justice and family values. It is their well known, Modus Operandi.

To top off the week, Walters continued to call Bixby, OK school Superintendent, Rob Miller a liar after a local TV reporter had asked him if name calling was contributing to the turmoil in the system. Later that afternoon, to prove it doesn't, Miller sued Walters citing two counts of defamation. He is demanding $75,000 in compensation. It is unknown at this time whether Mr. Walters will claim, Superintendent immunity, or a chunk of school district funds will be, let's say, redirected.   

Yes, it was a weird week in Oklahoma. Some might even call it surreal. But hey, it isn't every day in American politics you get to see a completely dysfunctional elected official get sued then call for his own impeachment because it might get him off the hook for God only knows what sort of terrible felonies. 

Who says this isn't a great state?


1 comment:

  1. Well, I keep saying, you can't make this stuff up.
