Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Mr. Robinson's Neighborhood: Donald Trump's Greatest Crime

 If Wikipedia is right, this shit is actually true.


Back in North Carolina the republican candidate for Governor is a guy named Mark Robinson. He isn't new to politics there. Right now he is the sitting Lt. Governor and the reason why the Governor, Roy Cooper says he withdrew his name from Kamala Harris' short list of Vice Presidential picks. It would seem, like many states, North Carolina law says while the Governor is out of state, as in campaigning, the Lt. Governor assumes all the power, legislative and otherwise of the Governor. Because of that law, Roy Cooper didn't want to leave Mark Robinson in charge for any extended amount of time. 

Given the Lt. Governor's political and rhetorical history Mr. Cooper's reasoning is not only sound, but entirely justified.

Mark Robinson says that years ago he read a book written by conservative radio personality Rush Limbaugh. After putting the book down Robinson claims, "I found out I was conservative and had always been." Yeah, well, there are conservatives and then there are people like Mark Robinson.

 In 2019 Brother Robinson said this about the issue of abortion, "It's about killing children because you weren't responsible enough to keep your skirt down, or your pants up...because you felt like getting your groove thing want to kill that child so your life can go on being on easy street and you can keep running to the club every Friday night." In 2021 he addressed a church congregation and told them, "I don't care whether you just got pregnant. I don't care if you're 24 hours pregnant. If you kill that young'un it is murder. You got blood on your hands."

Such is the nature of 21st century conservatism. And for those wondering about the whole hypocrisy thing, yes, Mark Robinson admits that in the 1980's he knocked up his future wife and paid for her to have an abortion. 

As one can guess Mark Robinson doesn't like a lot of things, or people. He once claimed the Marvel Comics character, Black Panther was, "created by an agnostic Jew." For good measure he added that the movie version of the superhero was produced by, "Satanic Marxists." Just to make sure you know what he really thinks the Lt. Governor once posted on his Facebook account, " This foolishness about Hitler disarming MILLIONS of Jews and then marching them off to concentration camps is hogwash."  

So tell us, Mark, what do you think about the gay community? In 2016 he posted, "Homosexuality is STILL an abdominal sin and I WILL NOT join in celebrating gay pride." Five years later he referred to, "transgenderism and homosexuality," as filth. To drive home his point he told another church congregation, " And yes, I called it filth. And if you don't like I called it filth, come and see me and I'll explain it to you."  

Previously Mr. Robinson has told us, "The only thing worse than a woman who doesn't know her place is a man who doesn't know his." Then, on the same subject, there is my favorite quote of his, "I absolutely want to go back to the America where women couldn't vote." 

Oh yes, that will be an easy sell from coast to coast.  

Mark Robinson is black, which shouldn't make any difference at all. It might though, when you consider that in the past he has referred to his fellow African Americans who support democrats as, "muddle headed negroes," apes," and "monkeys." He has also claimed Michelle Obama is a man, but that's so common among right wing fringe types now days it's hardly worth mentioning.

Of course, the problem is while Lt. Governor Mark Robinson could and should be considered on the far right fringe his brand of politics has propelled him into the office he now holds. Not to mention getting him into the race for the highest office in a major swing state. In 2020 when he ran, he received 51.63% of the vote. In other words more than five out of every 10 voters in North Carolina thought he was just aces.

Now, what is scarier? Mark Robinson, or the majority who agreed with him that we need to, "...get back to the America where women couldn't vote?"

Donald Trump's greatest crime is one he will never even get charged with. He has convinced millions of people in this republic and the media to treat horror shows like the grotesque politics of Mark Robinson as if it is normal. 

The latest polls show Robinson trailing democrat, Josh Stein by eight points, but as we've all learned over the last eight years polls can't be trusted. 

But hey, at least we can hope.


1 comment:

  1. I'm wondering what life will be like, one year from now?
