Sunday, July 28, 2024

Trump Makes a Big Promise to His Beautiful Christians

 Four more years, it'll be fixed, it'll be fine, you won't have to vote any more, my beautiful Christians.

Donald J. Trump speaking at the Turning Point, "Believer's Summit," in West Palm Beach, Fl. Friday night.

There it is. The man couldn't make it any clearer than that. However, just to make sure some wouldn't misinterpret his words, he continued with, "In four years, you don't have to vote again. We'll have it fixed so good, you're not going to have to vote." 

That's right, America. Donald John Trump just pledged to a gaggle of Christian Nationalists that if he is elected all this messy democracy shit will be done away with. He and his people, with the Project 2025 blueprint in hand will make sure voting and free elections go the way of the Brontosaurus. 

While Trump was uttering these vile words his running mate, Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio was accusing Vice President Kamala Harris and other, "childless cat women," of pretty much trying to destroy America's future, a future he insists they have no stake in because they've never had kids. In fact, the Senator went so far as to contend single and childless couples shouldn't have a say in how the republic is being run because they lack progeny. According to him the votes of people who have children should, "count more," during elections. (It's unclear if Mr. Vance got the memo from his boss explaining that if they win in November there won't be any more elections.)

Meanwhile former Trump advisor, Sebastian Gorka was in the UK talking to the far right outlet, GB News. He described Kamala Harris as, "This disaster whose only qualification is having a vagina and the right skin color." Others on the right disagree. Social media propagandists are claiming the Vice President doesn't represent Black Americans because her mother is Indian and her father is Caribbean. For old time's sake, some have even dusted off the birther nonsense, claiming she is ineligible because of her parents' immigrant status. (Harris was born in far off Oakland, CA.) And while they haven't attacked her color per se, online Neo-Nazis are condemning her because her white husband is Jewish. (Although when it comes to being of Indian descent the Nazis have raged at Trump's choice of Vance since his wife is Indian.)

Others on the right have gone down the usual crude rabbit hole by saying, Kamala Harris' success is solely because of her willingness to have sex with party big shots. To prove this accusation some have circulated fake photos of her posing with deceased sex criminal Jeffrey Epstein. The irony of the posts seems lost on them since there are plenty of genuine photos of their idol, Donald Trump standing next to and talking with Epstein. 

Given the circumstances one has to suppose autocracies aren't built by those who worry about such details.

As for the republican nominee himself, Trump appears flummoxed by the whole tectonic shift of the democrats to Harris. At a St. Cloud, MN rally last night he described the Vice President as a low IQ individual, then accused her of being a radical pro-abortionist.  Brother Don told the crowd, she wants to legalize abortions right up to the eighth and ninth month of pregnancy, including even to, "after the baby is born." It is a gruesome lie so preposterous many of his supporters know it isn't true. But, hey, right now it is all he has, so he has to run with it.

Of course, we can count on Trump re-visiting the mess on the southern border, which he helped perpetuate--another of those pesky details best ignored. Right now, he and his xenophobic pals are calling for the mass imprisonment and deportation of immigrant families, including their children who were born here. We don't know at the moment if Mr. Trump is aware of the 14th amendment to the Constitution which was passed in 1868. It says, in no uncertain terms, if you are born here you are a citizen of the United States of America. Even if the Donald does know about it, it's doubtful he cares. As long as two years ago he was sending out social media posts calling for the suspension of parts, or all of the Constitution.

Ah, the road to a dictatorship is sometimes long and winding. 

Yes, it is time for all these media types to stop saying Donald Trump has autocratic, "tendencies." The man is promising us a dictatorship. He is on the cusp of declaring himself, "President for Life," the, "Big Kauna," the, "El Supremo."

Tendencies are a ship that has sailed. Donald John Trump is an ardent autocrat and he isn't even trying to hide it any longer. We know it and his fans know it. The huge difference being those trailer park fascists like it.


1 comment:

  1. I have felt for a long time that the things of the Trump era will come to a head with the 2024 election. For the first time, I sense that he is overplaying his hand to a point that some of the more thoughtful conservatives will leave him. Add to this that Biden dropping out and now having to deal with the feisty Kamala Harris has him rattled just a bit. To top it over, his VP choice doesn't seem to be a good one. The race was his to lose this time last month. Now, he seems to be losing ground.
