Monday, July 15, 2024

Nightmare in Butler, PA: Tommy Crooks and the Motives of American Assassins

 According to Donald Trump, God and God alone prevented, "the unthinkable," from happening Saturday afternoon. Tragically for Corey Comperatore and his two surviving daughters the Good Lord didn't prevent anything when it came to him, or them. Mr. Compeartore was killed as he sat in the grandstand at an American political rally, supporting the candidate of his choice. His friends have said, Mr. Comperatore was a firefighter who regularly attended church services.

He was shot to death by a man using an AR-15 assault style weapon. It is the type of rifle progressives have been trying to ban for years. The proposed ban has been blocked time and time again by far right republicans. Stopping the ban has been a source of pride for the right wing. So much so, Don Trump has bragged on the campaign trail that when it comes to any sort of gun control, he has, "done nothing," to curb the sale, or availability of them.

The shooter was named, Thomas Matthew Crooks, aged 20 years. The gun was owned by his father, who reportedly owns, quite legally, 20 weapons, or one for each year of his late son's brief life. It is unknown why the elder Crooks needs an arsenal that size, but one could legitimately speculate some degree of paranoia is in play at his household.

The immediate response from republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene included her conclusion, "Democrats wanted this to happen." She added, democrats, have, "wanted Trump gone for years and they're prepared to do anything to make that happen." Then she threw in, republicans, "are in a battle against the party of pedophiles." 

Obviously dialing back the rhetoric isn't found on the Congresswoman's to do list.  

At this time we know very little about tommy Crooks. What we do know is he was a registered republican, although he had donated $15 to a progressive PAC the day of Joe Biden's inauguration. We also know the day he murdered Corey Comperatone while trying to kill Donald Trump he bought 50 rounds of ammunition for his old man's gun. He was so withdrawn he had very little presence on social media. His cell phone contents, according to reports, are still being analyzed. 

Such facts don't really paint the portrait of some run amok leftist radical, no matter what the Congresswoman from Georgia says. The truth is most American political assassins are, at best, politically, let's say, confused, or have other motives. John Hinkley shot Ronald Reagan in order to impress a girl. (Presumably she was, but not in the way he had hoped.) The only reason Arthur Bremer tried to kill, then democratic candidate George Wallace was because he realized he couldn't get close enough to Richard Nixon. (Bremer's motive was that he wanted to become famous. Before he shot Wallace he wrote in his diary that his only regret was the act wouldn't make him famous enough)

Seven months before he blew Jack Kennedy's brains out, Lee Harvey Oswald took a shot at retired U.S. General, Edwin Walker. Walker had been quoted as saying the three main threats to America were socialism, communism, and John F. Kennedy. On that April night, Oswald missed, reportedly by an inch. The weapon he used was the same one found that November day in the Texas School Book Depository.

Two different people tried to murder Gerald Ford. One, Sarah Jane Moore claimed she wanted to spark a violent revolution which would change America. The other was Squeaky Fromme, who was a member in good standing of the Manson Family. She did it because, well, killing people was what members of the Manson Family did.

Yes, our assassins and would be assassins are a varied lot. In truth there are only two things they all have in common. One, they were all bat shit crazy. The second, is everyone of them got a gun legally. Indeed, even Oswald, who used a fake name to order his rifle through the mail could have gotten it using his real name, but he didn't want the weapon traced back to him, at least not directly, after he killed someone--anyone. 

That's right Marjo, there was no grand conspiracy at play in the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. It was simply another insane act like all the ones we've seen before. Besides, and trust me on this, the very last thing democrats wanted, or needed was to make a martyr out of Donald John Trump. And, as so many republicans have gleefully pointed out ever since Saturday, that is exactly what happened. Despite the one true martyr in this nightmare being Corey Comperatore. A man who, like far too many before him, was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.   

sic vita est


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