Friday, July 19, 2024

The King Enters the City as Joe Biden Self Isolates

 It has been a rough few weeks for Joe Biden and the democratic party. It all started with Biden's debate disaster in Atlanta where he seemed lost, confused and reduced to a mumbling mess. All the while that was happening, Donald Trump ran wild with an endless series of lies so preposterously insane not even Vlad Putin would have delivered them. 

Since that evening the Biden campaign has floundered as democrats, aided and abetted by nihilistic left leaning media outlets have mounted a crusade to get the President out of the race. A prime example was on display not that long ago during MSNBC's "Morning Joe," timeslot. The hour began with host Joe Scarborough moaning about the media focusing on Biden rather than Trump's incoherent lunacy. Then the next two, or three minutes clips of a Trump rally in Florida were shown and analyzed. After a commercial break the show resumed and for the remainder of the hour the only subject was Biden's political viability and the growing number of democrats jumping ship.

Then came last Saturday afternoon. Thanks to a scrawny, apolitical, completely unbalanced kid and a monumental breakdown of security Donald Trump almost got his head blown off. Thomas Crooks missed and Donald Trump, in the eyes of his already adoring followers became a Devine Presence on earth. 

This week, as the Republican National Convention began as scheduled in Milwaukee, Biden announced he had tested positive for Covid--for a second time during his term--and was, "self isolating," in Delaware. A couple of days prior to this self isolation stories began to leak in the media that he might be willing to step aside if certain conditions were met. Now, the same media which was hammering away at him has begun to report senior democrats in congressional leadership positions are telling him he either ought to drop out of the race, or at least seriously consider it. 

Suddenly it isn't just back benchers trying to get their names on the national news by calling for Biden to drop out. Now reports are democratic heavy weights like Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer, House Majority Leader, Hakeem Jeffries, and former Speaker, Nancy Pelosi are telling him he can't win. In addition, they are reportedly saying if Biden remains on the ticket democrats won't win a majority in the House and could well lose the Senate. The prospect being Donald Trump would have not only the White House, but all of Congress, plus the Supreme Court. It would be a situation as Orwellian as it gets. And, if these reports are true, it means Joe Biden has lost the people in government he respects the most and absolutely needs if he is to continue governing. 

Even with them, it has now become painfully obvious both cable and network news departments are not going to let the issue go. We all knew that would be the case with outfits like, Fox, News Nation, and One America Network, but Biden's age and mental ability is now an obsession with CNN, MSNBC, and the rest. From here through the election every gaffe, every stutter and every slurred word will be magnified 10 fold in their reporting. Every slight pause, or stumble will be counted as more evidence Joe Biden is too old and feeble for the job.

Meanwhile, back in Milwaukee, the republicans held what amounted to a prolonged Palm Sunday procession. They spent the entire week paying homage to, The Holy One who has now entered the city to revolutionize everything--although it is doubtful he will overturn the tables of the money lenders since his mega-doners own them all. He even wore his, "Red Badge of Courage," for them with his bandaged ear. 

At this moment in time there isn't a Trump fan out there who isn't 100% confident of victory. Since the debate everything has gone right for them. Hell, the only thing the assassination attempt did was prove to them God is on their side. That Thomas Crooks did actually kill a human being during it was only briefly recognized last night.

Reports say Trump's acceptance speech ran to 93 minutes, (I spent the time watching an old Roger Corman movie) proving that despite his wounded ear the man still loves to hear his own voice. According to the same reports the first 20 minutes, or so focused on the assassination attempt and featured a moment of silence for its victim. Afterward he apparently dove straight into the MAGA deep end. Everything I've read and seen describes it as a vintage Trump diatribe filled with lies, weird tangents, and personal grievances. It lasted so long one outlet reported that by the end of it the crowd had been drained of all enthusiasm and interest. 

Obviously, some Messiahs display more brevity and articulation than others. Not to mention lie a lot less.

At tis point Trump's continued rhetorical nonsense, plus his sometimes overt racism, and his, let's say," outdated visions of what women's health care should be prove that despite all that has happened lately he remains beatable. The problem democrats have is do they have the best person to do that in line for their own nomination?

Increasingly it looks like they don't. Because right now that person sure isn't, President Josheph R. Biden.


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