Tuesday, February 21, 2023

MTG Wants a Divorce

 We need a national divorce. We need to separate by red states and blue states and shrink the federal government. Everyone I talk to says this. From the sick and disgusting woke culture issues shoved down our throats to the Democrat's traitorous America Last policies we are done.

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene

Actually not everyone. Ms Greene took a highly unscientific poll of her Twitter followers. She received 13,892 responses. The Huffington Post reports a little over halve said yes to a, "national divorce," while 38% said no. Assuming her subscriber list is heavily tilted toward her peculiar brand of politics, 38%  is a hefty minority. It certainly isn't everyone.

The congresswoman didn't offer any suggestions on how this, "divorce," would take place, although, the last time we took a stab at one things got messy in a hurry. Unless you believe 750,000 deaths on both sides isn't messy.

A lack of details aside the irony of the tweet seems lost on our Marjie. How else can you describe it when she advocates for the break up of the United States in part because of,: treasonous" democrats. Let's face it, secession sounds pretty treasonous and not exactly, "America First." Especially when you have taken an oath to support and defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic--twice.

If not irony, perhaps it is hypocrisy. That has always been a strong point for, Marjorie Taylor Greene. She once said becoming vaccinated against Covid was like pledging allegiance to the devil. Just to hedge her bets it is reported in 2020 she owned $50,000 worth of Pfizer and Johnson and Johnon stock. You know, the people who make the vaccines.

Just a couple of weeks ago, MTG, as she is known in the business, was publicly complaining about her salary level and the amount of , "hard work," she had to do in order to earn it. She had earned much more without all the hassle back when she was in the private sector she said. 

All of this begs the question, if you don't like the job and want to destroy the government which pays you to do it, why the fuck are you there in the first place? Go run your fitness centers, make millions, then pay off members of congress to vote how you like. That's the way most wealthy republicans do it.

Of course they don't show up in the news each and every day. And one has to suspect that is a lot of it for Marjorie Taylor Greene. Indeed, her attitude seems to be, if I'm going to be stuck with the lousy pay and long hours, by God, I'm going to be famous and wield some tangible power. Besides, Kevin McCarthy owes me big time., baby.

It might be Ms. Greene aspires to be a 21st century version of South Carolina Congressman, Preston Brooks. Prior to the civil war, Brooks, pissed off over the anti slavery politics of his northern colleagues and a perceived insult to his cousin who sat in the U.S. Senate nearly beat Massachusetts Senator Charles Sumner to death with a cane. Greene doesn't own a cane, at least not at this time, but she does brag about her gun ownership and routinely avoids metal detectors which are designed to keep fire arms off the house floor. 

In a side note, Brooks was re-elected, after the attack but didn't live to see America's 19th century divorce. He died of the, "croup," in 1857. 

Ms Greene won re-election in 2022 with right at 70% of the vote in her district. She has just over 448,000 followers on Twitter. Despite these numbers it is unclear where she would live if her, "national divorce," actually happened. After all Georgia has two democratic senators and despite the crude threats of Donald Trump and others was carried by Joe, Biden. 

Well, sometimes things just aren't what you'd like them to be. Such is the nature of democracy. 

Perhaps that is why she hates it so much--huge numbers of us simply don't want to be the way she wants us to be.


1 comment:

  1. In our perfect, ideal world which does not exist, secession and the splitting of ideologies and beliefs is a tantalizing thought. How nice it would be for each side to be rid of the other. Add to this my personal view that, if someone or somebodies want to break with me, send them away in peace. How nice it would be to cede Texas and/or other parts of the deep south to the far right and spin them off under the best of cIrcumstances. Sounds wonderful, does it not? Well, in the real world that would hardly happen. I doubt a secession agreement with Taylor Green and her ilk would ever be good enough and they would be forever complaining that somehow they got cheated, no matter how much property and money you sent them away with. They would be the ex-spouse who would be impossible to please and would never go away. It would also not be long before the hard right would re-focus itself in a progressive USA and the process would begin all over again. Before too many years passed, China and Russia would own both USAs. Ah yes, wonderful indeed!
