Thursday, April 30, 2020

Michigan in 2016 and Justin Amash Now

Way back in the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump won Michigan's 16 electoral votes by a margin of 10,704 votes. When broken down into percentages that means Trump got 47.50% of the ballots to Hillary Clinton's 47.27%. It is a margin of 0.23% which any student of elections will say is one close thing.

There were other candidates on the ballot that year. Among them was libertarian candidate, Gary Johnson. He raked in 172,136 votes, or 3.59% of those cast. Green party candidate, Jill Stein won 51,463 which translated into 1.07% of ballots cast.

Now, what do those statistics teach us? Well, for one thing it means when someone tells you fringe candidates from third and even fourth parties don't mean anything in U.S. national elections you know they're full of shit.

No, moving Michigan's 16 electoral votes from Trump to Clinton wouldn't have changed the end result of the 2016 election, but it would have reduced his edge from 77 to 45. It might have even provided more credence to the argument that the electoral college is, at best, a midieval process for choosing a president.

All of which brings us to the year of our Lord, 2020.

Donald Trump's goose is prime for cooking, although his base remains as loyal and fanatical as ever. In other words, despite displaying an incompetence so deadly his policies have directly led to over 60,000 American deaths--and counting--the man is going to get a lot of fucking votes.

Enter the democrats. Their problem is Barack H. Obama isn't available to run against Trump and the best they could do in his absence is Joe Biden. It's not that Biden is a poor choice, it is just that he is a mediocre one who has all the look of a one term place holder. At least until the party can come up with someone younger who isn't so prone to screwing up during press conferences and no showing at debates. They also have to deal with, not Bernie Sanders himself, but his hard core supporters who possess the exquisite resolve of kamikaze pilots.

Now comes Justin Amash. Mr. Amash has sat in the House of Representatives since 2011 as a republican. Like many true conservatives he quickly became disenchanted by Don Trump. In July, 2019, appalled by the GOP's acquiescence to Trump's severe insanity, he became an independent. Early this year democrats cheered when he voted for impeachment while lauding him for his belief in the constitution.

Well they aren't cheering now. Last month Justin Amash became a libertarian--the first one to ever sit in the house. The other day he told everyone he was forming a presidential exploratory committee. In short he is going to run on the libertarian ticket against Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

The Congressman--as you guessed--is from Michigan.


Things just became more complicated for Mr. Biden and that's the last thing our man Joe needs. Indeed, this fall, every vote for Biden has to be considered precious. Conversely, every vote not for him becomes one for The Big Orange Guy. And that includes ones cast for Amash and the despicable Jill Stein if she decides to run again.

Yes, thanks to Justin Amash the nightmare of a second Trump term just became more possible. This despite a three plus year reign of vivid lies, gross stupidity, and corruption so arrogantly flagrant the current resident of the White House should be confined forever to a maximum security prison on Mars.

Ladies and gentlemen, as we know times are tough, but this is getting a tad too much.

sic vita est


Monday, April 27, 2020

Where in the World is Kim Jong Un?

Here is what the combined intel agencies of South Korea, Japan, and the United States know about the location and health of North Korean big boy, Kim Jong Un. Not diddly squat.

Thanks to Kim's absence the rumors are here, there, and everywhere. The esteemed American news source, TMZ, known primarily for its ace investigative reports on political heavy weights such as Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston, has declared him dead. Others have reported him gravely ill, while a few have split the difference by saying Kim himself isn't dead, but his brain is. Concern is such it has been reported a team of Chinese doctors and bureaucrats made a trip to check him out.

As the North Korean press has maintained an ominous silence even Donald Trump has weighed in on the subject. First by wishing Kim well, as if something was wrong. Then, days later, reversing himself by telling the media the guy is perfectly fine. Trump didn't offer any information on how he knew Kim was as healthy and happy as a beaver building a dam, perhaps he received a postcard.

You know, Dear Don: This is me on the 9th green, wish you were here.

All the speculation began when Kim missed the celebration of his grandfather's birthday in mid April. He was last seen in public on April 11th which was 16 days ago. Usually that's a blink of an eye, but in this the age of COVID-19 every day seems like a year.

What we do know is Kim Jong Un is a beyond pudgy dude who likes basketball, weird haircuts, and having an imported smoke. He also enjoys a good party with plenty of scotch and missile launches. We're a little fuzzy on his age, but he is said to be 36.

He's also a ruthless bastard who doesn't hesitate to execute anyone he deems a threat. That includes his uncle, Jang Song-thaek along with all his close relatives and their children and grandchildren and his own half brother. In other words he is a real time Stay Puft Marshmallow Man who you don't want to fuck with.

Kim claims to be a communist, but his family has been ruling the North for three generations. It is a royal dynasty of unmatched political power which has lasted since 1948. To put it in perspective, during the same time frame there have been 13 different U.S. Presidents, only two of them have been related. In addition it has been said he owns one hundred cars, a private island, a yacht, and rolls around in a personal train. The train was rumored to have been spotted sitting near a resort he frequents leading experts on North Korea to conclude they don't know shit.

In fact, for all anyone knows, despite North Korean insistence the Coronavirus isn't a problem there, it could be Kim is simply self isolating. That's right, just like many Americans he is stuck working from home while binge watching "Tiger King," on Netflix.

Why not? He's still young, but his family has a history of heart disease, he smokes French cigarettes, and given his weight, it's possible he is a type 2 diabetic. That throws him into the same high risk group millions of Americans find themselves in.

Indeed, the only difference between him and us at the moment could be--and this is also speculation--thanks to his position, Kim Jong Un doesn't have to worry about running out of toilet paper.

In any event the western media is trying to figure out who his successor might be. They range from his younger sister, Kim Yo Jong to others, some relatives, some not. If something is wrong though a major shift in the power culture of North Korea would have to occur. While Kim Yo Jong is a direct descendent of the Mt. Paektu bloodline--the holy mountain where the Korean nation and Kim Jong Il were supposedly born--North Korea is a stridently patriarchal culture which might not tolerate a female ruler.

It is, however, hard to believe anyone not from the family would end up on the throne. These people aren't symbolic figureheads like the Windsors. In North Korea they are practically gods and have literally held the power of life and death for 72 years. Besides, as one wag put it, Kim Yo Jong looks rather like a, "Bond villain, beautiful in a deadly sort of way."

Ah, genetics and stereotypes all rolled into one.

Of course we'll find out sooner, or later, despite the lack of credible intel either way. I mean you can't keep a stiff on ice forever and human nature being what it is, someone will eventually try to grab power. As of now, however, South Korea maintains there isn't anything unusual going on across the DMZ. There aren't any sudden movements of troops and the North Korean media remains mum on the subject.

Yes as near as we can tell all is good with Kim Jong Un. Hey, at least that's what Don Trump says anyway. And surely he knows what is going on.


Thursday, April 23, 2020

Don Trump, Moe Howard, and Farcical Chaos

If the COVID-19 pandemic has proven anything in this foul year it is that Donald J. Trump has the same leadership skills as the late Moe Howard did on the silver screen.

All of which would be really funny--at least to the adolescent boy dwelling within many of us--except Howard's farcical chaos was an act, while Trump's is real life and it involves actual people really dying. At this moment the count is up to 48,900 Americans, although that number, by the time I finish this, will have grown.

Indeed, it is tough to have faith in a President who views an incurable disease solely through a political lens--one built specifically to enhance and improve his own image, rather than solve the problem at hand. It is even tougher when you realize the crazy son of a bitch hasn't a clue.

Let's face it, the Big Orange Guy is starting to resemble a pin ball whacked back and forth by bumpers and flippers. In, short, he is caroming every which direction.

How else can you describe a man who, at one point said COVID deaths would be minimal, as in one, or two, then shifted to a count which ranged between 100,000 and a quarter million. Or, someone who characterized state ordered shut downs as, "a cure worse than the disease," then turned around and encouraged them, saying they were necessary. All the while promising overwhelmed medical facilities help from the federal government, but only in those in states whose chief executives publicly thanked him personally.

Last week, as the economy continued to crash, Mr Trump, by then a tad panicked, informed the world the President, had, "total authority," over the governors when it came to lifting their stay at home directives. Within a day he reversed himself and told the very same world it was completely up to the governors to open up non essential businesses and negate social distancing in their states.

A scant 24 hours later, he went on Twitter to encourage his followers to, "Liberate," states with stringent shut down laws. It was series of tweets which prompted demonstrations from Michigan, Colorado and beyond that featured everything from self styled militias, to Confederate flags, Nazi symbols, and bellicose trailer park Barbies.

In response to the widely scattered demonstrations--none of which featured more than a couple of hundred protestors--and Trump's liberation tweets the Governor of Georgia promised to re-open, among other things, tattoo parlors and bowling alleys tomorrow, then movie theaters and restaurants on Monday.

Imagine Governor Brian Kemp's shock, when Mr. Trump scolded him for opening up his state too soon. Trump, finding the fence rail exceedingly narrow, did soften the criticism by making sure everyone knew it was ultimately Kemp's call, even if he, the President who a few days before had, "total authority," disagreed with it.

Yesterday, taking a break from all the death and disease, Mr. Trump apparently spent his morning watching one of his favorite TV shows, "Fox and Friends. At 7:31AM, it aired a segment which showed Iranian swift boats buzzing around an American war ship in the Persian Gulf. The incident took place the week before. A scant 35 minutes later, El Don tweeted, "I have instructed the United States Navy to shoot down any and all Iranian gun boats if they harrass our ships at sea."

That was news to the navy, who hadn't received any instructions of the kind prior to the tweet. Luckily there are still sane people in command positions. They shurgged off the tweet, one saying officers and sailors deployed in the region know the difference between a warning issued for foreign consumption and a direct order to open fire. Left unsaid is they are also acutely aware you don't, "shoot down," boats, you sink them.

Yes, sometimes it is easy to confuse this administration with a Three Stooges short and Don with Moe. Unfortunately the rest of us aren't Larry, Curly, or Shemp and here the crack pot schemes aren't funny, but they are certainly deadly.

sic vita est


Saturday, April 18, 2020

Don Trump: If You Get It, You Get It and If You Spread It, That's the Price Of Freedom

It appears the most recent patch of swampland being sold by republicans looks like this. Democrats, such as Michigan's Governor, Gretchen Whitmer are deliberately crashing the economy with draconian stay at home orders in order to defeat, not the Coronavirus, but Donald J. Trump in November. The theory goes that the spread COVID-19, while regrettable. just isn't worth keeping hard working Americans unemployed. In other words if you get it, you get it and if you spread it, well, that's simply the price of freedom.

In order to emphasize the point demonstrations popped up from North Carolina, to Ohio, Minnesota, Oklahoma, and Michigan protesting business closures and social distancing regulations. Not surprisingly most tended to look like Trump campaign rallies, and in Michigan's case a little more.

On Wednesday in Lansing, what was called, "Operation Gridlock," took place. It was primarily organized on--where else--Facebook. The main group promoting it was the Michigan Conservative Coalition. Mother Jones reports, it is a pro Trump outfit that is an offshoot of and financed by the Michigan Freedom Fund. The Michigan Freedom Fund is a non profit organization banked in large part by the DeVos family. That would be as in Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos. All doubt about the connection between the two groups was removed when the Facebook page inviting everyone to the shindig listed the fund as a, "co host," of the event.

And what an event the Secretary's favorite charity threw. Several thousand people showed up in their vehicles jamming the streets of the Michigan capital. Heavily sprinkled through out the crowd were Trump-Pence campaign signs, MAGA hats, and a minimalist pro Trump float. That's not to mention a self styled militia group toting semi automatic weapons, a Gadsden, "Don't Tread On Me," banner, and at least one Confederate flag. A few others displayed signs bearing swastikas.

After the Governor condemned the presence of the swastikas a Fox News guest claimed the signs were merely expressions of, "ironic humor."

Ah yes, swastikas are always quite ironic, not to mention humorous, especially during right wing political rallies.

The next day a crowd showed up in front of the Minnesota Governor's residence railing about that state's shut down. Although the militia bands, confederate flags, and swastikas were missing, the MAGA hats and Trump-Pence signs were everywhere, along with a few biker gang types roaring through the streets.

Meanwhile, Don Trump quickly backed down after figuring out his, "total authority over governors," power grab didn't play as well as he and probably Stephen Miller thought it would. He issued a statement saying the decision to rescind local shut downs was completely up to the states who had imposed them.

By Friday he was letting those state's Governors know exactly what he really thought. In a series of three tweets he urged his followers to, "LIBERATE," Michigan, Minnesota, and Virginia in that order. In the case of Virginia he threw in a line about saving the second amendment because it was, according to him, "under siege," in the Commonwealth.

The focus on Gretchen Whitmer, who Trump refers to as, "the woman in Michigan," is obvious. Everyone, including him, believes she is on Joe Biden's short list to become his running mate. She must, therefore, be demeaned, libeled, and defamed. His campaign and its toadies have already been circulating a misleading photo of her, along with a very close knit crowd, signing what they claimed was her social separation act. In short she was violating the very same regulation she was signing into effect. The photo wasn't fake, but it was taken in January, 2019, months before anyone on this side of the Pacific had heard of COVID-19 and the measure didn't have anything to do with social separation.

Hey why not? Once it's out there it doesn't matter if it is true, or not does it.

Beyond seeing Whitmer as an enemy no reasonable person in the country can have any doubt Trump believes his re-election is slipping away. The Coronavirus isn't something he can gloss over, or write off as fake news, though Lord knows he's tried. No, the virus is a force of nature which spreads relentlessly. It completely ignores Don Trump's grand, but empty promises and, in the end, exposes not only his incompetence, but his cheap jack sales pitch as a total fraud.

If this last week of hollow bluster, back pedaling, futile counter attacks, and pitiful excuses have proven anything, it's that Donald Trump is not only completely devoid of answers, but his only real concern is, no matter how many deaths, the retention of power.

Ladies and gentlemen, mark it down. Unless he pulls a coup, or republicans are able to disenfranchise millions of legitimate voters, Donald John Trump has just become one big ass dead duck.


Thursday, April 16, 2020

Bad Thoughts During the Pandemic

As of this moment there are over 570,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the United States. 53,000 plus Americans have recovered from the disease. Another 33,460 have died. For those of us in the high risk category it has, from the beginning, felt like some terrible, celestial, sniper has been picking us off. Lately however, since the shelter in place edicts, or in Oklahoma's case, a directive to hunker down, or take your chances, it has been more like hanging on in a bunker during an incessant barrage.

Obviously there aren't any ear shattering sounds of explosions, or dust raining down from the rafters. No, the only real cacophony assaulting us right now comes from our TVs and nearly every politician, health expert, and journalist in the land. Accusations are flying along with forecasts, dire and not so dire, as we are inundated with proclamations peppered with half truths and out right lies.

Indeed, depending on who you listen to, the spread is slowing, the needed supplies have finally arrived, the top of the curve has been reached, and in the most extreme cases, the whole pandemic was a media induced panic we really shouldn't have been worried about.

On the other hand, some point out the sniper hasn't been rooted out, it's just waiting for all of us to emerge from our hideouts to renew the carnage. Those of us who have to be out there--everyone from doctors and nurses to grocery store clerks--are still dropping like flies. Yes, your neighbor may have survived his, or her trip to Italy, but the poor schmuck driving that bus in Detroit didn't.

This chaos has prompted the exalted leader of the republic to say a couple of things which are at best a little fishy during his daily, "Coronavirus" briefings. These appearances--some of which look suspiciously like campaign advertisements--are chock full of not just inconsistencies, contradictory information, and wildly empty promises, but also personal tirades against the media.

All of which should be expected, since Don Trump is more than happy to say inconsistent, contradictory, things while making promises so outlandish they make even people like Bernie Sanders blush. (Just ask the President how that nation wide quick diagnosis COVID web site he promised is doing.)

Of course we're used to his rapid fire bullshit by now, but lately he's begun to cave into his authoritarian side. He's always leaned that way. In the past he has marveled how China's Xi Jinping became president for life. He went so far as to suggest to donors the nation--as in America--should try that experiment someday. He has also openly wondered why he shouldn't be allowed to run for more than two terms. His well known bromance with Vladimir Putin has sometimes reached such levels that many, even in his own political party, have reported acute attacks of queasiness.

The other day The Big Orange Guy stated that he, rather than state Governors, has the "total authority" to lift their shut down orders. That's right, after a century, or so of screaming about state's rights, the republican party has spawned a president who is willing to throw that concept right out of the window. All because he needs a suddenly moribund economy to recover so he can be re-elected.

And make no mistake, Donald John Trump doesn't give a shit about the body count. He is all about re-election and getting people back into his resorts and hotels.

Perhaps more ominously, Mr. Trump has begun threatening to adjourn Congress through an obscure article of the Constitution. The proposed move has nothing to do with the virus. He wants to do so, he says, so he can make recess appointments which don't require Senate approval. Why he needs to do so, since the republicans hold a majority in the Senate, is unclear.

What is clear is the Constitution says he can do it, but only if the House and Senate can't agree on an adjournment date. At this point in 2020, there hasn't been any sort of disagreement on adjournment between the two houses and in truth no one can even remember the last time, if ever, it happened. It is worth noting, no President in the history of the United States has ever invoked this power.

Today Newsweek reported that on March 16 the Joint Task Force-National Capital Region was activated. The secret JTF-NCR's job is to defend Washington D.C. from the air and on the land. It is, in theory, to be used in case of an attack on the homeland, and or to put down civil unrest during a national disaster. Its duties include evacuating high ranking government officials from the city to undisclosed locations. The unit is primarily made up of National Guard troops and helicopter wings from places like Illinois and Mississippi and it numbers over 10,000 members of the military.

I know we all have way too much time on our hands these days and our minds wander toward areas we'd never even consider during, "normal," periods. The problem is this--all of this--isn't normal and we have a President who is a raving narcissistic sociopath with absolutely no regard for the law, or Congress. Not to mention, there are some fairly intelligent people out there who, even before the virus hit, have openly questioned whether he would give up the office if he was to lose the election in November.

Well, it's something to ponder anyway between re-runs of The Big Bang Theory and Law and Order.

In the end, I'm just thankful the liquor stores, even in Oklahoma, have been declared essential businesses. Without them, God only knows how much time I'd spend thinking about what that crazy fuck is up to.

sic vita est


Sunday, April 12, 2020

Donald Trump's Good Friday Message, the Empire Builder Evangelists, and the Nature of the Business

Easter Sunday has arrived. It is the day we Christians celebrate the resurrection of the Lord, our Savior, Jesus Christ. On this day we offer each other greetings such as, "Happy Easter," and "The Lord has risen." That's opposed to 48 hours ago on Good Friday, the day Christ was beaten, whipped, forced to wear a crown of thorns, then crucified. It is a death which is prolonged, extremely painful, and ultimately results in suffocation.

Despite its name, the Friday before Easter was and is anything but good. Most Christians, a lot of them anyway, spend that day in solemn prayer, reflection, and fasting. Some true believers will not even speak. Unless, of course you are Donald John Trump. He went on twitter two days ago in all caps and posted, "HAPPY GOOD FRIDAY EVERYONE."

Trump is supposed to be a Presbyterian. Now, I have a couple of Presbyterian friends, pretty close ones as a matter of fact, and I have yet to have either one of them wish me a, "HAPPY GOOD FRIDAY," in person, or via an email.

Well, Christianity is a pretty big tent and things can differ from sect to sect and even church to church within those sects. In addition there are some Christian churches out there which claim to be non denominational, or to, "cross denominational boundaries."

Many of these churches eschew ritual of any kind, regularly entertain their congregations with rock and roll music during their services, and the attendees are totally beholden to their ministers for biblical interpretation and teachings. There aren't any traditions, or historical backgrounds which can be fallen back on, except those words of the charismatic salesman in the pulpit.

Since they are normally stand alone enterprises they're also completely dependent on the money donated by their congregations and side endeavors such as gift shops, camps, and occasionally schools. In other words they need bodies in the pews on a weekly, if not daily, basis to continue operating. Not to mention finance the life styles of their founders and pastors which are sometimes not just comfortable, but, let's say, lavish.

Such lifestyles are not hypocritical to these shepherds of the flock, because they preach the gospel of prosperity. In their theology, the more fervently you believe in Jesus and give to His Church--because their particular church is God's, despite the name on the deed--the more God will reward you financially. The late, Oral Roberts used to put it this way, "If you have only a dollar give it to our ministry and God will repay you tenfold." Or something like that anyway.

Roberts once went so far as to tell his followers, if enough donations didn't come in to finish a tower he was building the Lord would call him home. The tower, a massive Tulsa skyscraper, was finished, but, as with everyone, Roberts eventually got called home anyway. He died in 2009 from complications of pneumonia.

All of this might explain a couple of things. First, these preachers running independent mega churches are arch conservatives who love the guy who wished everyone a happy Good Friday. On the surface they talk about the issue of abortion. They rail about how liberals want to abolish the tax exempt status of their churches. Knowing their congregations, they also warn that leftists will take away their guns, despite Jesus being a pro NRA type of guy. Not to mention all the founding fathers were devout, born again Christians--a twisted view of history with no basis in reality.

Most of all, however, the secret none of them will admit to is they see a little bit of themselves in Donald Trump. After all, he really likes to make money and spend it. So do they. He is the consummate businessman who used a million dollar donation from his Dad to build an empire.

They, in their own minds anyway, are empire builders too. The difference being their product isn't resort properties and hotels. No, it is a gospel of their own which is intended to make thousands. yea millions of people feel good. So good they're willing to pay scads of money for the divine assurance they are blessed. These beliefs and especially the donations fulfill God's unwritten promise to make people like Rodney Howard-Browne and Anthony Spell fabulously well to do.

In the end the greatest impediment to the aspirations of both Don Trump and evangelical preachers running mega churches is the federal government. All those rules, regulations, all that oversight, it fouls the process. It gets in the way. It interferes with the cash flow.

Now we may have a hint why goofs like Howard-Browne in Tampa and Tony Spell in Baton Rouge refuse to close their churches during the pandemic, despite the frantic edicts of governors and Don Trump himself. It isn't about the first amendment, the laying of hands, the baptisms, or bringing sinners to Jesus. It isn't even about the 13 magical machines in Howard-Browne's church, which, according to him, sterilize everything, including the congregation, or the anointed handkerchiefs handed out at Spell's which prevent the spread of COVID-19. No, it is all about the cash flow.

Indeed, to maintain a mega church, the rock band, the school buses, the ministries, and the swimming pool at the parsonage, there cannot be an interruption when it comes to income, no matter how dangerous it is for those who tithe. That's right baby, get 'em in the pews, get their money, then commend their good souls to God when they die.

It is, after all, the nature of the business.


Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Al Kaline, Baseball, and the Gods of the Game

A long time ago there was a decade and a half, or so which most people born north of 2000 wouldn't recognize, or understand. It was slower and more primitive. It was also, in some ways more civilized and in others far more cruel and ruthless. It was an age ruled by the print media and three television networks. The nation was at peace, yet the threat of an apocalyptic war hung over everyone's head on a daily basis. Try to imagine a time when men in white uniforms hand delivered milk to your front door in glass bottles with cardboard stoppers.

It was during that blink of an eye, from 1955 to 1965, or 68, depending on your up bringing, the game of baseball ruled the sports world. At least for me and millions of other baby boomers it did.

Actually it was odd that it should, since the closest team to Oklahoma back in those days was the Kansas City Athletics who didn't arrive there until '55. Before the A's moved from Philadelphia the closest major league team was the St. Louis Cardinals. In fact until the Giants and Dodgers relocated to the west coast in 1957 14 of the 16 major league teams played their home games east of the Mississippi.

That doesn't mean baseball wasn't played far and wide. Minor league teams were scattered across the land in various classes of talent and experience. In addition colleges and high schools had teams, and most importantly. kids every where played little league games.

Perhaps that was the most important factor. There were basketball leagues for youngsters during the winter, but they were mostly confined to places like the YMCA, or Boy's Clubs, or church leagues. Football didn't come around until you were in Jr. High and the NFL, outside of a few locales, was at best a minor attraction. Hockey, which needed a sheet of ice, was confined to the far northeast and Canada. Besides way back when the NHL consisted of only six teams. If you had asked an American boy, or girl what soccer was in 1955, if they had any clue at all, they would have described it as some kind of, "kick ball," game.

All of which leads us to the magic of baseball during those days of yore. The games came to us over the radio, a perfect medium for it, and twice a week on TV if you weren't in a major league market. It was after Jackie Robinson had broken the color barrier and before the mass expansion of the leagues not only diluted the talent pool, but put more players on the field than you could possibly remember. The World Series games were played, as they should be, during the day and to get there you had to win your league in the regular season. No divisions, no wild cards, have the best record over 158 games, or go home.

During that time, because of the limited number of players, the stars on each team, were known not only in their home cities, but across the nation. Which brings us to Al Kaline, who passed away the other day at the age of 85. Kaline fell into that category of players I always refer to as the Gods of the Game.

No, he wasn't the greatest in that select number, but when the Detroit Tigers were taking the field Al Kaline was the first guy you thought of. He was the man you wanted to see, or listen about.

Other teams had players like that. With the White Sox it was either Nellie Fox, or Luis Aparicio. The Indians, Rocky Colavito. The Cubs, Ernie Banks. The Cardinals, Stan Musial. Hell, even the early Mets had Rusty Staub. That's right, the list goes on and on.

Al Kaline is still the youngest player to ever win an American League batting title. He hit .340 at the age of 20. He finished with 3,004 hits all time and 399 homeruns. He played his entire 20 plus year career in Detroit, which in this age of mercenaries and decisions made by corporate actuaries is an utterly alien concept.

He was a hell of ballplayer and a part of my youth I will always cherish. Quite simply it saddens me he is gone.

Rest in Peace, Mr. Tiger, You really were worth the price of a ticket to every game you played in.

sic vita est
