Monday, December 17, 2018

A New Poll: Trump's Base Might Be a Bunch Of Fascists, But They're Never Dis-Loyal

The pollsters have been at it again. This time a few questions were asked by an outfit called, Hart Research Associates/Public Opinion Strategies over three days earlier this month. NBC and the Wall Street Journal paid the tab for the survey of 900 people, 48% of who were male and 52% female.

One of the questions asked was, "Has Donald Trump been honest and trustworthy regarding Robert Mueller's probe?" 62% responded no while 34% said yes. The remaining four percent were apparently too busy watching episodes of American Gladiator to worry with such an issue.

Another concerned the conduct of people close to DJT and Trump himself when it comes to all manner of questionable behavior. The activities include Mike Cohen paying off a couple of  women who aren't named Melania with campaign funds, Trump and his team being offered, synergy, by some Russian, and Paul Manafort's continued communication with Trump's staff after his indictment. There is more, but space and time limit the ever lengthening list of alleged felons and the charges they face.

The question posed: "Was wrongdoing done by just some individuals, or Trump himself? Things get a little murkier on this one. 46% say it was Trump himself while 23% say it was individual behavior--presumably without the prior knowledge of candidate/President Trump. 31% aren't sure one way, or the other.

Then comes the recent mid term elections. Now that democrats will take control of the house in January, 48% of those asked say they want them to take the lead in setting national policy. On the other hand 21% want congressional republicans to and 19% would prefer Donald John Trump to be in complete charge of everything.

Also, when it comes to the democrats taking the house, only 10% asked thought Don Trump got the message America wants a change in direction and is making adjustments in his policies to reflect the new paradigm. 22% say, he got the message alright, but he isn't doing squat about it, while 33% believe the message went right over his head. Meanwhile 31% of those asked say, despite the loss of the House of Representatives, there wasn't any message at all. You know, Message? What fucking message? We held onto the Senate didn't we?

Finally, 900 people were asked if Bob Mueller's Russian investigation has given them, major, fairly major, or some doubts about Donald Trump's presidency. 50% said yes, however, 44% say it hasn't given them any more doubts.

Ah, the base. God bless 'em. You can say a lot of things about those fascist bastards, but you'll never be able to accuse them of being dis-loyal to, The Leader.

Trust me. The devil is in the details.When it came to that first question, the one about El Don being trustworthy, the 62% who said he wasn't included 94% democrats, 64% independents, and just 24% republicans. Conversely, when it comes to the one third of the respondents who said he has been as honest as the day is long, 70% were republicans, 29% independents, and 5% consider themselves democrats.

In addition, on the national policy question, if you add together the people who want either republicans, or Trump to be in charge, the democratic lead is slashed to eight points. Factor in a 3.5% margin of error and you see a country nearly equally divided.
Yes, the word United in the republic's name is quickly becoming nothing more than a fond memory. We are now at least as polarized as we were during the Vietnam era and it is easy to imagine we are quickly approaching the level of, "you're either with me, or against me," hysteria last seen in 1860.

Tragically for us, the guy we have in the White House likes it that way. Well, why shouldn't he? It gets him more hits on social media than anyone else in the whole wide world.

And apparently, to him, that counts more than anything, including the nation's well being.


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