Monday, June 18, 2018

Truth Justice and the New American Way

The numbers, while not particularly surprising in this age of devout Trumpism, remain a shocking testament to how cruel and unusual the Grand Old Party has become.

According to a Quinnipiac University poll, 55% of the republican party supports the forcible separation of immigrant children, some still in diapers, from their parents at the southern border. In addition, 77% support building El Donald's wall along the entire 1,954 miles of the U.S. Mexico frontier, even though that fantasy about making the Mexicans pay for it has gone the way of the Dodo.

Steve Bannon probably saw those numbers. It's why he issued a statement warning his former boss that he risks alienating the great white, beer bellied, GOP base if he compromises on immigration with anyone left of presidential aid and resident forehead, Stephen Miller.

Bannon's fears are probably unfounded. Trump can afford to take the risk since there is no one else who can drive fascist mobs into a frenzy like he can. And, there is no one else who the trailer park Nazis will trust. That's why he is happy to play the same card used by torturers throughout history when he blames the continuing horror of state sponsored kidnapping, not on himself, but someone else. If the democrats just give me what I want all the emotional pain and suffering of those innocent kids will stop. If they don't, then the onus is on them.

Of course when another large part of your base considers themselves to be evangelical Christian it behooves you to break out some good ol' boy to quote scripture just in case they get a bit queasy at the goings on in places like, McAllen, TX. Indeed, it has been proven most hyper religious born again rubes will put up with all manner of sin and depravity so long as it isn't committed by a democrat. However, when it comes to ripping babies from their mother's arms, then sending them off to some new age concentration camp--well, even their hypocrisy has some limits.

Which is why we saw the oft maligned AG, Jeff Sessions do The Leader a solid by cherry picking a quote from an epistle of St. Paul the other day. The words concerned obeying the government, because the government was put there by God to keep order. In the 19th century the same quote was used by antebellum southern preachers to justify slavery.

Yes, it is the old Trump strategy. Never stay in once place too long--never become a standing target. The counter attacks to any criticism must come in a mind spinning blur from all directions, filled with outright lies, half truths, and gross exaggerations. The Germans are being overwhelmed with crime and are on the verge of political chaos because of Angela Merkel's lax immigration policies. The half truth--her governing coalition has become contentious because of immigration. The lie--according to the Germans themselves, the crime rate in their country is the lowest it has been in over 30 years.

Then, finally back up all this shit with soulless shills like Tucker Carlson, who the other night told his viewers to believe just the opposite of what every news outlet in the nation reports, except FOX. This after Donald Trump said, "Fake News," (ie. any news he doesn't like) is, "The true enemy of the American people."

Homeland Security officials denied they are herding families into the McAllen processing center, then telling parents their children are being taken away to bathe, when in reality they are being shipped off to parts unknown. The Texas Civil Rights Project has documented several cases of them doing just that.

At least American authorities haven't stooped to a pre Merkel German policy. That would be the showers option, like select SS men practiced in places such as Buchenwald. Although, to be honest, given the monster in the White House and his howling fans, such a solution to The Immigrant Question doesn't seem so far fetched any more.

The LA Times reports between the middle of April and the end of May this year 1,995 children were taken from 1,940 parents, or legal guardians. The Department of Human Services now houses 11,432 immigrant children in 100 shelters spread across 17 states.

For those of you conservatives who worry about such things, the mass detention of those kids and their parents comes on the taxpayer's dime. That's right. Instead of working their way into the economy by taking jobs those of us already here would rather not touch--paying for rent, groceries, and transportation; sending their children to school to learn stuff like English and math--they are all, thanks to Donald J. Trump and his band of bellicose xenophobes, incarcerated at our expense.

Ah yes, truth, justice, and The New American Way.



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