Monday, May 15, 2023

It Isn't the Deep State, It's the Deep Pockets: Gun Deaths in America

The great state of Oklahoma has a long, perversely proud, history of gun violence. Hell, the first mayor of Oklahoma City died of a gun shot wound after a shoot out over a peace of land just west of what is now downtown. Even though His Honor, William L. Couch bit the dust way back in 1890, no one seemed surprised, or upset in 2019 when current Governor, Kevin Stitt signed a bill which made it legal for citizens without any training, or licensing regulations to carry a concealed firearm. At the time Mr. Stitt proudly enabled every pissed off crank, paranoid schizophrenic, and gangster wanna be to pack a piece 14.9 out of every 100,000 Oklahomans could count on being killed by a gun one way, or the other.

As of the fifth month of the year 2023 that number has risen to 21.2, or, a little over six additional human lives.  

Now, in Oklahoma when it comes to unwanted statistics such as deficiencies in literacy, education, health care and the like, we always say, "Thank God for Mississippi." That's because, no matter how we try, or not try as the case may be, the Magnolia State always seems to out do us when it comes to the really bad shit. This year in Mississippi 33.9 people out of every 100,000 have died from gun violence.

See what we mean. Thank God for Mississippi.

To be fair, there are other states between Oklahoma and Mississippi. A few are, Alabama at 26.4, Alaska 25.2, Louisiana 29.1, New Mexico 27.8, and Wyoming 26.9. There are a few others, but why go overboard? The point is there are a lot of people in this country who are killed by guns. 

In Oklahoma the raw number right now is 836 dead. By the time you read this the odds are it will be higher. In 1861 over 60,000 troops on both sides fought the first battle of Bull Run. They were--you know--fighting a civil war, actually trying to shoot each other. After the smoke settled the total number of dead was 837. The current body count in Mississippi is 962.      

Thank God for Mississippi.

Here is the weird part. Contrary to world opinion, most Americans want to stop the carnage. A solid majority of us understand we will never stop this madness unless we make it more difficult to purchase a gun. That's right, unlike Kevin Stitt we've figured out more guns, guns that are easier to buy don't do anything but make things worse. It is like trying to eradicate arson by making sure all the arsonists have matches. 

That some meaningful gun control legislation hasn't passed, can't pass is beyond mystifying. In fact, it might be the most perfect example of minority rule in the history of the republic. 

Indeed when it comes to gun control corporate interests have overridden the will of the people. Oh sure, there are a bunch of gun fetish loons who make a lot of noise, but in the end arms manufacturers have rendered congress and therefore most of the voting public impotent. Deep state my ass. It is the deep pockets and propaganda departments of companies like Smith and Wesson who really run this nation.

That's the bad news. Ok, that and within the first four and a half months of 2023 there have already been 15,665 gun deaths in the United States. It is more than twice the 7,000 of U.S. service people who were killed on Iwo Jima. 

The good news? Well, thank God for Mississippi.



  1. Too much negative emotion and too much money changing hands for any kind of progressive thinking on gun control. I still cannot convince myself that the founding father had anything like the AR 15 or something similar in mind when the right to bear arms was established.

  2. Sorry, the last comment was mine.
