Monday, December 26, 2022

Praise the Lord and Don't Pass the Ammunition

 You can accuse the republican right edge of many things these days, but you will never be able to say they support democracy. Indeed, from inciting and supporting domestic coup attempts to their overt love affair with Vlad Putin the right wing's lust for authoritarianism knows no bounds.

It came out of the closet with Donald J. Trump who expressed his admiration for China's xi Jinping after he became president for life. "We ought to try that here sometime," he told a crowd of donors way back when. It continued through Trump's unabashed fanboy adoration for Putin during which he did everything but publicly fellatiate the guy. Now it has spread into congress and the likes of Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene. 

Last Wednesday when Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky addressed congress, Boebert and Gaetz, among others, refused to stand and applaud him. Their disdain for Zelensky was such that as he spoke both Gaetz and Boebert scrolled through phones, making a huge show of ignoring him. Greene, who during a pre election harangue, promised she would make sure Ukraine would not get one more penny in U.S. aid, didn't even bother to show up. She had jetted off to Costa Rica for a few days of sun, sand, and fun.

Meanwhile John Bolton, former Trump advisor and veteran war monger told the media, if Trump had remained in office, by hook, or crook, Comrade Putin's army would be sitting in Kyiv at this moment. No one with any sense at all disputed him. In fact Donald Trump Jr. seemed to confirm it, calling Zelensky, "an ungrateful international welfare queen." 

At the same time this was happening, over on FOX, the notorious trust fund dude, Tucker Carlson had this to say about the Ukrainian President. "If you were a republican office holder, and Zelensky came to Washington, maybe you would for a moment, ask him about his current and ongoing war against Christianity in Ukraine."

There it is.

The Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council, Dimitry Medvedev certainly agrees with our man, Tucker. According to him, "The current Ukrainian authorities have openly become enemies of Christ and the Orthodox faith." 

Hey, between him and Tuck, it's hard to believe otherwise isn't it? They are, after all, reliable sources. Besides it is unseemly to support an unprovoked invasion simply because you like dictators.

Especially when, as everyone has seen there are millions of hysterics in the United States who are convinced all sorts of international cabals, usually run by Jews, are out to destroy their race, faith, and way of life. In such circumstances you don't have to actually admit to those rubes you're a fucking fascist, just convince them someone like Zelensky, who is Jewish, has his true sights set on destroying their religion. Throw in George Soros' name like some have and watch the hoi polloi's tremors turn into convulsions of appallingly savage hate. 

And for good measure, plus for those who have a few brain cells left, hint at corruption, You know, like Boebert has. To obfuscate her real motives, she is demanding a full audit of all money, past and present, sent to Ukraine, to make sure of, "where it's going.' 

Yes, much to the chagrin of those among us who wish Mr. Putin well, his adventure into Ukraine has not gone well. What was supposed to last a week, or 10 days has turned into a miasma of frozen muck and dead Russian soldiers. He doesn't need American help as much as Volodymyr Zelensky does, but he knows he has friends in congress here. He also knows if they have the votes they will gum up the aid to Ukraine. Finally, he and they know to do so they need an excuse beyond good ol' fascism. 

Hence, the new totalitarian catch phrase: Praise the Lord and don't pass the ammunition.


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