Monday, August 1, 2022

Fox News Drops The Donald Show From Its Lineup

 What was unthinkable a year ago appears to be happening. Last week the New York Times reported it had been 100 days and counting since former president, Donald Trump made an appearance on the Fox News Network. That's right, Big Don hasn't been shown, or heard from on Fox since April 13th of this year when Sean Hannity interviewed him.

But, as the TV pitchmen say, wait, there is more. At least two major conservative newspapers, The New York Post and The Wall Street Journal, have recently run editorials condemning Trump's actions prior to and during the failed January 6th coup. 

Yes, there looks to be a disturbance in the force. The connections are obvious. All three outlets are owned by the mad Australian, Rupert Murdoch, who serves as the emperor of all right wing media. It would seem he and his son, Lachlin, who is the Fox CEO, have grown tired of Brother Don's act.

Of course this isn't the first time Fox News has gotten crosswise with Donald Trump. On election night 2020 the network was the first to call Arizona for Joe Biden. The announcement came right as the then president was preparing to fraudulently proclaim victory. It also prompted a call from at least one Trump family member, it isn't clear who, to call either the old man, or his kid to demand a retraction. The response was a firm no. According to the Murdoch involved, "The numbers are ironclad."

Then, a couple of weeks ago, The Don was thrown into a rage when his former pals on Fox and Friends cited a CNN poll which found nearly 55% of republicans asked said they preferred Trump no run in 2024. Trump immediately labeled the show, "Terrible," and accused Fox of, having, "gone to the dark side."

There has been oodles of speculation as to why there has been a falling out between the Murdoch family and Trump. Most traditional journalists believe it's because Lachlin especially thinks, Mr. Trump is stuck in the past. Instead of providing any new ideas and moving forward he has become a one note Donnie, obsessed with changing a past which cannot be changed. There is a fear that this obsession will blunt GOP efforts to retake the Senate and House this fall and the White House in 2024. In short, in the eyes of Murdoch and son, he has gone from asset to liability. 

This reversal of fortune has Fox looking for a fresh face and voice to carry the party standard in 2024. There are indications it has settled on one. Recently, instead of covering a Trump stop on his Greatest Hits Tour, it gave Florida Governor and possible presidential candidate, Ron DeSantis 13 minutes of free air time on Laura Ingraham's show. For those 13 minutes it was if Donald Trump no longer existed.

Other analysts have been a tad more mercenary in their assessment of the situation. According to them the Murdochs and Fox consider Don Trump old news. He is like any television commodity which had a good run, but now has grown passe. Or, as they say in the business, the Donald Show has jumped the shark and it's time to put someone new in his time slot. 

After all, in TV, ratings are everything.

Well, 2024 is still two years off and that is a long time in presidential politics. There is no telling what will happen between now and then. However, it is becoming increasingly apparent Donald John Trump has lost Fox News and the vast Murdoch media machine. 

Indeed, the worm may have turned for, Our Donald. And let's face it, your lies don't matter anymore if no one can hear them.



1 comment:

  1. Encouraging if you are a non-Trumper, but who will be the fair-haired conservative boy or girl in 2024? We may be wishing for the good old days of The Donald.
