Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Dick's Law

 Reality is just a point of view.

Author, Philip K. Dick

Phil Dick was a bit of a prophet. He keeled over from a stroke in early 1982 long before anyone outside of New York City knew about the ever shifting realities of Donald J. Trump, not to mention those of his avid devotees.

One can only imagine what the author of "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" would say if he had to live with the QAnon culture and those who promote it. Let's face it, Big Don might be out of office, but he's not gone and neither are his somewhat mentally fractured followers.

Here are a few of the latest samples  of their realities to dwell on. (All spelling, grammar, and syntax are original from the authors.)

Shelly Leiter posted her take on a popular theme running through the twisted halls of Parler, "It's already been proven that the Democrats paid ANTIFA and BLM to infiltrate the peaceful Trump really"  (sic)

Of course one of the problems the ultra right has is they tend to turn on each other over purity issues. The wit named, Catturd writes, "If you don't know that Mitch McConnell is a scumbag, Deep State, POS - you're not listening."

Another common thread posted was under the heading, "Emergency Alert," because for some it probably is, "Presidential Alert: Just a friendly reminder that Trump is still your President."

Then there are the guns, always the guns. Murphycat 2012 warns, "Its known there are 20% up to 30%  leftist fucks infiltrated in the Military and who will cause FALSE FLAGS to make the dream of gungrab for the left make come true."

Catturd's take on the pandemic: "According to The Left...your immune system is now a conspiracy theory."

Returning to the whole stolen election thing, NeonRevolt says, "Hey Biden, God is giving you one last chance. Come out and admit before the entire world that the election was a fraud, who was involved, and that Trump was the real, legitimate winner. Do this, and history will look upon you more favorably."

As a follow up to that, JJ ofArk writes, "President Trump is popular all over the USA and that's why he won a second term."

And finally one, Albert Curtis gets to the heart of the matter without beating around the bush:"What is most important: The WHITE RACE! The White Race made MADE THE WESTERN WORLD! There is NO 'western world' full of MESTIZO and Black Engineers, Doctors and Philosophers! Equality? SHEEEIT...that is a patent LIE! Races are NOT EQUAL! Race is real! Race Matters! WHITE IS BEST!"

Who says the internet isn't great?

Yes, Phil Dick was right, he just never realized how right he would be.

*Note--These bon mots were originally gleaned from Parler then reposted by the Twitter user Patriot Takes. He keeps track of these horrifying rubes on a regular basis at, no doubt, great risk to both his health and sanity.


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