Monday, November 9, 2020

Parties in the Streets, Conspiracies in Trumpland, and the Nature of the Beast

Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey, goodbye.

Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey, goodbye

Lyrics by Paul Leka, Gary DeCarlo, Dale Frashuer 

Yes, once Pennsylvania was called for Joe Biden Saturday morning making him President Elect, the crowds hit the streets from Los Angeles to Washington D.C. There were impromptu mass block parties in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Philly, and beyond. Refreshingly none of those participating were carrying semi automatic weapons, or wearing military style outfits. 

Not that the Trump people weren't outraged, but they seemed too stunned and cowed by the sheer numbers and the outpouring of joy to challenge the throngs marching and dancing. It wouldn't be until the following day that a smattering of Trump supporters showed up on the steps of a few state capitol buildings to express their displeasure and pledge their support once more to Donald J. Trump. 

They were inspired by their fearless leader who throughout the previous day screamed foul over the results. Trump, who was--where else--on a golf course when the news hit, immediately refused to concede the election. At this moment, on Monday, he and his shameful republican posse are claiming mass voter fraud spread out from Pennsylvania, to Georgia, and west to Nevada.

Of course this inspired the loons on the right fringe to come up with numerous conspiracy theories to explain the President's political demise. One of my favorites contends TV outlets in Pennsylvania smuggled in forged ballots with their camera equipment. Another was some clown howling on social media the results in Georgia were obviously fraudulent because the media was reporting there were more counted votes than people there. In his tirade he had cited the population of Georgia, the former Soviet client state, not the U.S. Georgia.

Indeed, the last 48 hours has begun to resemble an act from some cosmic theater of the absurd. At one point Saturday afternoon Trump wanted the courts to halt the mail in vote tabulation in Pennsylvania while at the same time insisting the mail in vote count should continue in Arizona.

He even sent his ace in the hole, Rudy Giuliani to the greater Philadelphia metroplex to hold a press conference at what he said would be the Four Seasons Hotel. Giuliani and a shady crew held the presser in front of a tiny strip mall which held a Four Seasons Landscaping shop. It was sandwiched in between a crematorium and a porn store. One of the speakers was Daryl Brooks who claimed he was a poll watcher. While it remains unknown if he really was, observers pointed out Mr. Brooks is in fact a convicted sex offender. He did three plus years after exposing himself to a pair of girls in 1998. The victims were eleven and seven years old at the time.

Meanwhile republicans in the house and senate are parroting Trump's line of paranoid bullshit word for word. As always they're terrified the Almighty Base will take its revenge at some future date, not realizing once Trump is gone for good that base will begin to wither.

Worse, the traditional Presidential transition schedule has now been disrupted and may continue to be well into December because of Trump's wounded ego. Biden, however is proceeding as he should, organizing, setting policy, and trying to appeal to the patriotism of all Americans, no matter what their party.

As these words are being typed The Big Orange Guy is soliciting on line for donations to his, "election defense fund." As always it is a con. If you read the fine print on the electronic form you will notice at least 40% of your money won't go to sue those rascally democrats, but to pay off the Trump campaign's current debt.

A lot of us expected this sort of behavior from El Don. After all he has rarely, if ever, been told no and no one has ever held him accountable for any of his actions. Now that 75,649,276 million American voters have done just that he simply can't handle it.

In the end, it is the nature of the beast.


1 comment:

  1. Nothing Trump or his people do surprises me. I am a bit startled that the is beginning to fire people like Esper. If he is allowed to assume a second term, he may be the only senior official left in his administration.
