Monday, September 14, 2020

The New Normal vs The Old

In Oklahoma there was 869 new cases of COVID-19 in the last 24 hours. That means since January a total of 70,223 Oklahomans have come down with the disease. Of that number 59,007 have recovered and 905 people have died. According to the state health department, as of Friday there have been 5,466 Oklahomans hospitalized because of the virus. Right now 499 people statewide are currently in medical facilities with it.

In comparison, during America's involvement in Vietnam, which historians say ran for 20 years, 988 Oklahomans were killed.

But hey, we are plowing on--straining mightily to recover some semblance of the normalcy we had before the virus caused enough people to become ill, if they all lived in one place it would be the 7th largest town in the state.

The problem being some think the normal of September, 2020, should be like the normal during September of, let's say 2010. In other words they take the current administration's stance--just ignore the bug as if it doesn't exist and pray it will disappear someday.

Indeed, screw caution completely, or like some go another way. As one person told me, "Oh I believe there is a real virus, but it isn't nearly as bad as they make it to be." Pointing out nearly 200,000 Americans have died didn't phase him. His response was. "I don't believe that. Where are all the bodies? No one has seen them and we would have if that many really died."

Not even Mr. Spock could argue with logic like that, so why should we mere humans even try?

Yes, in many quarters COVID-19 has become just another government plot in order to scarf up constitutional rights and destroy The American Way. The media lies they say. They know that because for years this liberal cabal has shown and told them things they don't want to see, or hear. Their guy in the White House knows it too and he is on top of things. Just ask them.

So off these patriots go, barging into establishments without masks, even though the city they're in, or the store they want to patronize requires one to be worn. Some even get a tad sneaky like many at the grocery store we frequent. They'll wear a mask to get through the door, then once inside pull it down past their noses and mouths, or remove it entirely.

That's right, no government in the world is going to require them to wear a mask and if they catch the COVID, to borrow a phrase, "It is what it is." Or, if they spread it unknowingly, hey no skin off them. Herd immunity baby, the fittest will survive.

Besides, if any of them knew the figures, they'd probably point out during the 1918-1919 flu pandemic 7,350 Oklahomans died, so the number of current deaths, as 57% of republicans said in late August, are acceptable. The fact that 1918 and 1919 was over a century ago and the miracle drug of the day was aspirin which had been introduced only 19 years earlier wouldn't phase them.

If anything, Americans including too many Oklahomans have proven themselves creatures of comfort and habit during this year of the new plague. They have tired of the new normal. They desperately want the old one.

And, in the end, that is the real calamity. We have met a potentially apocalyptic disease and despite the widespread sickness and death, for too many, the most profound reaction mustered is COVID-19 has just made things too fucking inconvenient.


1 comment:

  1. At some point, reality will sink in, and its going to be a helluva hangover.
