Friday, January 24, 2020

Who Needs Acid While Watching TV This Week?

For those who have never eaten hallucinogens, watching republican Senators and lawyers perform on television this week sort of replicates the experience, only without the accompanying high and fun. Indeed, some, myself included, have openly questioned what variety of mushrooms ended up on top of our cheeseburgers.

How else can you explain the weird images appearing on our TV's? I mean there is no longer a question of republicans lying, it has become a matter of the chemical and organic make up of that alternate reality they live in. At this point it seems the only things missing are Hunter S. Thompson's mutant bats sweeping through the Senate Chamber screeching like rabid banshees.

It started on Monday, MLK Day. That's when Kellyanne Conway explained to the media, the President was honoring the memory of the murdered civil rights leader by working to improve the economy--over seas--and just as King would have, fighting against the injustice of his impeachment. It ended earlier today with a report which said Trump's people had conveyed to GOP Senators in no uncertain terms if they didn't vote his way, their heads would end up on pikes.

In between those two book ends one of the President's attorneys, Alan Dershowitz argued abuse of power, isn't a high crime, or misdemeanor, because technically there isn't a law saying it is. That's news to Bill Clinton. During his impeachment, Professor Dershowitz maintained that when it came to convicting a President, "It certainly doesn't have to be a crime if you have someone who completely corrupts the office of president." When asked by CNN's Anderson Cooper if he was wrong back in those days of yore, Dershowitz explained, "I'm much more correct now."

Dershowitz is best known for being on the OJ Simpson defense team. He and former special prosecutor Ken Starr also defended Trump pal and world renowned lover of children, Jeffrey Epstein.

Starr, it might be remembered, was fired as President of Baylor University for his part in helping cover up years worth of violent sex crimes committed by Baylor football players. That was after he pushed the Clinton impeachment, not because of the White Water affair, which he was supposed to be investigating, but because Clinton lied about getting a blow job from an intern. According to Starr, Clinton was guilty of obstruction due to the lie.

The current President has blocked dozens of witnesses and a multitude of documents subpoenaed by House committees in the lead up to his Senate trial. Clinton, never blocked one witness, or a single document from those investigating him. Republicans, in dizzying numbers, claim DJT isn't obstructing anything.

Early in the week White House counsel, Pat Cipollone told the Senate and Chief Justice John Roberts three House committees held secret meetings prior to the official impeachment inquiry without republican presence, or input. Democratic Representative Adam Schiff had to point out to Mr. Cipollone what was well known if you don't watch Fox News--nearly half the people in the secure chamber were republicans and they all had equal time to question witnesses.

And, speaking of Fox, as there was a back and forth between republicans and democrats early on, the propaganda arm of the GOP continually cut away when a democrat was speaking to let their, "analysts," eviscerate anyone to the left of Barry Goldwater's ghost. However when a republican would begin speaking they dutifully went back to live coverage.

There was more of course. Rudy Giuliani, even though not present, will become the subject of political science and psychiatric text books for years to come. Dozens of GOP senators broke the, "strict rules," of the proceedings by walking out during the middle of presentations made by various impeachment managers. Not to mention Trump's people have already said if he is convicted the President will consider the verdict invalid and refuse to leave office. In many locales such an action is known as a coup.

Yes, all this insane shit makes dropping acid as innocent as doing a tab of aspirin. Unfortunately neither drug will do us any good at this point. The constitution is screwed and so are we.

Ladies and gentlemen as soon as the republican controlled Senate lets Don Trump off the hook the congress and that venerated document will become irrelevant. So will the ideal of democracy in the United States of America.

sic vita est


1 comment:

  1. I'm going to have to leave a "No Comment"" comment here, because I really don't know what to say.
