Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Q Primer

There are moments when things get just too weird, when reality becomes a terrible crush of unrelenting disasters, and the very act of change--any sort of change--morphs into evil.

Thanks to the internet and some seriously screwed up minds hunting for fame and cash, personalities such as Alex Jones, among others, rush into that dark void claiming to have the answers. They are, according to them, going to explain it all to the frazzled, almost universally white, masses who are beset by this avalanche of imagined and sometimes real chaos they vehemently won't accept.

Beginning nine months after Donald Trump's inauguration cryptic posts began to appear on the anonymous and usually unmoderated imageboard 4chan. The author, or authors claimed to be disseminating secret information to Trump followers everywhere from inside the administration. They called themselves QAnon, or Q, for short. The Q was said to represent the highest security level afforded to a military, or civilian in the government.

Well why not? Trump himself is a kindred spirit. He became the first major candidate for the office of president to base a large chunk of his campaign on conspiracy theories. Not only had he kept alive the myth of Barack Obama's foreign birth before his run, but during it suggested a republican opponent's father was a serious player in the plot to assassinate John F. Kennedy. That's before he even thought to start howling about Hillary Clinton's, "missing emails and computer servers"--which to this day he claims are hidden away in some dank Ukrainian basement.

There is a web site out there, established a little over a year ago which was put together by someone using the handle, QCommander. It is a multi functional site, offering to sell users Trump campaign material, Q tee shirts and coffee mugs, a link to a NRA enrollment form, "real news," and "fake news," and what it describes as a primer to Q and Q's plan.

In honor of the impeachment inquiry and to let everyone know what the "Q Newbies" are being told on line about the state of the union I have provided an abridged copy of a list designed to help those just stepping into Q's world, per the web site.

1. Who is Q? Q is about ten people in military intel and (the) Trump administration.
2. What is Q's purpose? To awaken the population to the evil global cabal elite.
3. Why is this necessary? The satanic cabal controls media, money, meds, and minds.
4. When did Q start? Q's first post was 10.28.17, but plan started years ago.
5. Can Q be trusted? You decide. Q posts keep coming true in the news.
6. Can Trump be trusted? You decide. Trump's policies all weaken the cabal.
7. Can the military be trusted? You decide. Marines are personally guarding Trump.
8. Can the media be trusted? You decide. Media tells you what to THINK. Reconcile.
9. How does Q=Trump? Q posts first then Trump confirms with tweet, "clues."
10. What are the other clues? Typos and timing intervals match Q posts.
11. Any other evidence? Q predicts things only Trump would know. Over and over.
12. Who are LARP's? Bad actors in the cabal hired to discredit Q posts and blind you.
13. Who are QAnons? Patriots that research Q posts for evidence on the Chans.

On the site the list runs to 17, but the last four simply describe different social media QAnons hang out on. one of them, 8Chan is now gone.

As for QCommander, a link to his, or her Facebook page has been disabled, so who knows if Zuckerberg's people wiped him, or her clean, or if he/she, just went further underground. What we do know is all the Trump merchandise is geared to the 2020 campaign. In addition, the "real news," section, which features links to Breitbart, Sean Hannity, Gateway Pundit, and other ultra right news sources contains commentary on current issues. So, yes, it is a live site churning out videos and bullshit as fast as it can.

We also know Q was last heard from this morning at 10:42:46am CST. The post read,

"Phones were present.
FISA goes both ways.
Information warfare."

Yeah, well, I guess you had to be there or at least somewhere near Uranus for that to work.

Ladies and gentlemen, given this nonsense and the bat shit crazy fucks who believe in it, the bar is most certainly open.


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