Saturday, July 13, 2019

The Social Media Summit Without the Social Media

The word weird doesn't even apply to the current presidency any more. Donald Trump and his administration have become rather like a bizarre real time piece of performance art produced by Salvador Dali.

On this past Thursday Mr. Trump held his much ballyhooed "Social Media Summit," at the White House. According to Deputy Press Secretary, Judd Deere the meeting would, "bring together digital leaders for a robust conversation on the opportunities and challenges of today's online environment."

It actually sounded like a good idea. Then news came that representatives from both Facebook and Twitter wouldn't be allowed on the premises during the, "Summit." That's rather like having a meeting about American automobile production without anyone from Ford, or GM at the table.

Not to worry though, in their place, The Big Orange Guy made sure several prominent ultra right wing hacks made appearances. Among them was cartoonist Ben Garrison whose work has been called, "blatantly anti-Semitic," by the Anti-Defamation League. Also on hand was Twitter user, @CarpeDonktum, who creates memes El Don likes to retweet. One of the latest is a cascading series of Time Magazine covers each of which proclaim Trump's re-election every four years into perpetuity.

My favorite attendee, however, was internet broadcaster and compulsive tweeter, Bill Mitchell. The titles of his shows include ever so subtle hints as to where he stands. Like the episode named, "Donald Trump has been given to us by God." Then there is, "Democrats really have become the party of Satan." Bill maintains he knows this one for a fact because he has tweeted the statement several times and not a single democrat has ever responded to him denying it. It goes without saying, he is also believer in the QAnon school of conspiracy.

Ahh yes, digital leaders indeed.

As promised things did become sort of robust for a moment or two. Tempers flared after CNN contributor and Playboy White House correspondent, Brian Karem announced that the crowd assembled in the rose garden was, "Eager for demonic possession." Sebastian Gorka, the Hungarian neo-fascist and former Trump advisor, confronted Karem, calling him a, "punk." After Gorka's immediate retreat someone else in the gathering told Karem, Gorka, "would kick your punk ass." This drew a small round of applause and some muted cheers, although it is unknown at this time if they were for Gorka, or the stunning revelation Playboy Magazine still exists.

The keynote address of the meeting was, of course, delivered by Donald John Trump. According to the President of the United States, leader of the free world, and the man with the nuclear launch codes at his fingertips, social media outlets are deliberately fucking him by blocking his vast public from following him online. Mr. Trump complained he used to be able to pick up 100,000 new followers on Twitter every few days, now it takes forever. It is, he said, a plot.

In Trump's words, "Many, many people have come up to me and said, Sir, we want to follow you; they won't let us."

Just prior to his election in 2016, DJT had 13 million followers on Twitter. On Inauguration Day 2017 he had 23 million. As of Thursday, the day of his speech, he had 61.9 million. Ever think you might be at a market saturation point, Don? Hey, let's face it, despite what your ego might tell you, even your popularity and influence has it's limits.

As several sources have pointed out there is absolutely no proof Twitter is blocking anyone from following Donald Trump. Personally I can confirm I just did, at least momentarily, without any problem at all. It took three steps. Go to Twitter--type in his name--then click on the follow button.

This whole exercise in absurdity served two purposes for the current resident of the White House. First, it gave aid, comfort, and encouragement to the ultra right internet trolls who come up with crazed shit like QAnon and other conspiracy nonsense. Second, and most importantly, it was another play to the almighty base. The whole day was a confirmation of their deepest fears. They are trying to control me and you by not letting us connect, or speak our minds on the internet. The Deep State and the liberal social media owners hate the country and are out to defeat not only Donald Trump, but you. Fuck the immigrants in cages, white America we are the ones being persecuted around here! 

Yeah, this is what we've sunk to--surreal wailing in Washington and concentration camps on the southern border. No one should be surprised. After all, he promised this sort of shit from day one.



1 comment:

  1. Say what you will about Trump, he's doing, or trying to do, pretty much what he said he would. Unfortunately, that is what worried me about him to begin with. We dressed in blue need to get our act together quickly. I already see the 2020 election slipping away if we do not.
