Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Another Poll and More Pessimism

When it comes to the democrats many have chosen to run for the party's presidential nomination, but precious few are making any headway. In fact the party of Jefferson seems far more splintered now than the republicans ever were in 2016 before Donald Trump solidified The Great and Almighty Base and emerged the winner.

A recent poll, taken by an outfit called, Morning Consult, illustrates the situation perfectly. According to, "The Hill," the survey took place from April 1st to 7th and encompassed 13,644 voters. It's margin of error, according to the firm, is 1%. The Hill article didn't mention any break down of demographics such as women/men, or age groups.

With nearly a year to go before we get into the meat of the primary season the leader is currently that touchy feely guy, Joe Biden at 32%. The revelations of Biden's unwanted and sometimes inappropriate activities, which have been on public display for years, didn't seem to hurt him much. Although the number of people rating him as, "very favorable," dropped from 41% to 35%, his overall, "favorability," dropped only one point.

Coming in second was Vermont Senator, Bernie Sanders at 23%. Senator Sanders was rated, "very favorably," by 32% of those asked.

After Sanders the numbers drop off dramatically. Kamala Harris was in third place with 9%. She was followed by Beto O'Rourke at 8%. Then came Elizabeth Warren with 7% and South Bend, IN mayor, Pete Buttigieg at 5%. New Jersey Senator Cory Booker polled 4%. Everyone else--and there are a lot of them--weren't even mentioned in the piece, an indication things aren't going well for people like Jay Inslee, Tulsi Gabbard, Amy Klobuchar, and others.

Of course the main question for democrats at this point is painfully obvious. Can any one of those seven on the leader board beat Donald John Trump a year from this coming November?

Unfortunately, it is going to be hard for any of the top candidates to bring together a coalition strong enough to oust the grotesque beast currently disgracing the nation and its institutions.

Democrats have a terrible habit of eating their own. No one these days, it seems, is pure enough. Biden is too mainstream for the far left, even without the growing controversy swirling around his attitude toward women. Besides, he lost a debate to, Sarah, fucking, Palin for God's sake.

Sanders is too far left for many in the middle. He promises much, but is a tad delusional when it comes to how he's going to realistically pay for it all. In addition, by now everyone knows something is amiss with his tax returns. He certainly keeps putting off their release as if he has issues to hide. In some quarters there is a growing suspicion the democratic socialist might have taken some dubious deductions which lowered his tax burden to that of someone who, say, is flipping burgers at a McDonald's. Let's face it, the word hypocritical comes to mind if you condemn the ultra rich for gaming a flawed tax code when you're doing exactly the same thing.

Harris has a problem because as a prosecutor she, at times, went for the death penalty. Warren can't shake the DNA fiasco and O'Rourke sounds great, but is a proven loser who refuses to offer any specific policy proposals.

Anyone who thinks Buttigieg's sexual orientation won't be an issue for some is living in a dream world and Booker just flat out seems bland.

Indeed, not one of them can avoid alienating at least a slice of the party just because they're too conservative, too left, too pro death penalty, too gay, too vague, or simply meh.

And, as we know, in the next election, democrats need all hands on deck and in the voting booths casting ballots for the nominee.

Luckily we're still a long way out, ages in political terms, so the situation might change. However, as of right now, as much as I hate to admit it, the field looks so weak not one of them can beat The Big Orange Guy.

It is a tragedy not even Greek playwrights would, or could come up with.

sic vita est


1 comment:

  1. The people who support the president are getting exactly what they want and deserve. Unfortunately, they are hauling the rest of us along for the ride. In my perfect world which I have never known to exist, a Democrat will win the next presidential election by an Electoral College override. Let the conservatives experience that, and we'll see what they think of how things are going in 21st century politics.
