Wednesday, February 6, 2019

The State of the Union: One Glove on Melania, Tiffany in White, and More Narcissistic Braggadocio

Donald John Trump delivered his slightly overdue State of the Union speech last night. Known as the SOTU in 21st century newspeak, Mr. Trump's address had all the thrills of a car with a dead battery. So much so one young soul two seats down from Mrs. Trump went fast to sleep in the middle of it.

Besides the benumbed boy, many were more interested in the symbolism involved with, 1: Why his wife was wearing just one glove when she entered the chamber and 2: What was his daughter Tiffany saying to her Dad and the world by her choice of wardrobe.

Of course, several answers to both mysteries are possible. It could be Melania Trump simply forgot her other glove. Maybe she had already taken one off and just waited until she was seated to remove the other. One Twitter wag speculated it was a secret tribute to the late Michael Jackson. While that seems a tad far fetched the fact is once she was seated she did pull the glove off. It is unknown if she left the hall after the speech glove less, or not.

Tiffany Trump's choice to wear all white is a bit more worthy of a conspiracy. Every woman legislator was invited by female democrats to wear white, the color of the suffragette movement. In response members of the right wing all wore dark colored clothing, while every democratic lawmaker who is a woman did wear white, including House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi.

Twitter immediately lit up. Was Tiffany Trump openly rebelling against her old man? Was it a passive aggressive message to him? Is she a democratic mole inside the family busily ratting her father out to the main stream media? Or, was it a humiliating case of her not getting the memo regarding last night's dress code?

We will probably never know the answers to these questions and it remains utterly unclear as to why any of us should give a rat's ass about them in the first place.

Meanwhile The Big Orange Guy, droned on spewing out lies, misleading statistics, and the narcissistic braggadocio we've all come to expect. In the middle of it he threw in a bit about rejecting the politics and rhetoric of revenge, resistance, and retribution.

Everyone in the chamber applauded that line, while few believed a word of it. In fact it didn't take long for the daughter of Arizona's late Senator, John McCain to publicly rail about Trump's abject hypocrisy.

Meghan McCain, pointed out El Don had spoken to network anchors just hours before the speech. During the talk he called, former Vice President Joe Biden, "dumb," said Senate Minority Leader, Chuck Schumer was a, "nasty son of a bitch," then complained about John McCain's vote to keep the Affordable Care Act alive. Because he always has to make it personal he told the assembled lot, "By the way, he (McCain) wrote a book and the book bombed."

Actually the book, "The Restless Wave," reached number one on the New York Times non fiction bestseller list twice, but, hey, when you're attacking a guy who passed away six months ago who needs facts. After all, legally, you can't libel the dead.

After watching Trump's line on TV get applause Meghan McCain's response was, "For me, it was a Kabuki theater virtue signal, the entire speech, last night, towards his base."

While it is doubtful Donald Trump even knows what Kabuki theater is, he certainly understands how to play his base like a fiddle. That's why he also told both houses of congress, "...partisan investigations must end."

Yes ladies and gentlemen the democrats are persecuting me just because I'm a republican and I'm working to Make America Great Again.

No, Don, while we can't speak for Tiffany, we do know all those other women who wore white last night aren't after you solely because you're a republican. They want your head because you are breathtakingly corrupt and quite possibly treasonous.

And that, in the end, is the true state of the union.


1 comment:

  1. If he wasn't the president, I wouldn't pay any attention to him at all.
