Tuesday, January 8, 2019

One Week In: What We've Learned So Far During 2019

Here are some things we've learned during the first week of the Year of Our Lord, 2019.

On the 29th of December, after a nightmare first quarter against Alabama, many on the southern plains realized Oklahoma did not have the year's best college football team. Last night everyone in the country found out the Crimson Tide didn't either. In fact, from half time on, Clemson's 44-16 dismantling of fabled Alabama was so complete, Nick Saban's team appeared to be about as competitive as Georgia Tech, which finished the season at 7-6. Think not? Tech lost to the Tigers 49-21 earlier in the year.

Proving murder doesn't take a holiday in Oklahoma City, early in the morning of January 6th 24 year old, Christian Rodell Bilbro became OKC's first homicide of the new year. It didn't take long for others to join him on the list. The Oklahoman reports police found a man and two females who were victims of apparent foul play in a house on the City's east side just after midnight Sunday night/Monday morning. One of the two women discovered was 15 years old. In a grim coincidence the rental property was also the scene of a still unsolved murder committed last February. Oklahoman writer, Robert Medley quoted an anonymous neighbor as saying tersely,  "It's time to move."

Since the local body count has now risen to five in seven plus days, the obvious question is, where to?

On Friday in Rochester, NY, Television meteorologist, Jeremy Kappell went on the air and called the town's Martin Luther King Jr. Park, Martin Luther Coon Park. He immediately corrected himself, but quickly found out once a Freudian slip of that magnitude is spoken, you can't rebury it in the subconscious. He was fired Sunday. On Monday he posted a Facebook apology of sorts. In part it read, "In my mind I knew I mispronounced, but there was no malice. I had no idea the way it came across to many people." He added, "I had no idea what some people could have interpreted that as and I know some did interpret that the wrong way."

That's the ticket Jeremy. Some people just interpreted it the wrong way.

A new Reuters/Ipsos poll was conducted over the first seven days of the new year. It showed, 51% of those asked believe Donald J. Trump, "deserves most of the blame," for the current government shutdown. 32% believe congressional democrats are mostly to blame and 7% say it is congressional republican's fault. In addition, while 41% say they support additional fencing on the southern border, only 35% say they want congress to pass a bill funding a wall. That is opposed to 25% who want The Big Orange Guy to keep the shutdown going until he gets what he wants.

So who is Don Trump playing to? The Great and Mighty Base of course, along with those silver tongued devils, Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter. The poll shows 77% of republicans want more fencing along the border and 54% of them think shutting down the government to get a wall is the right way to go. Reuters reports the poll has a plus-minus 2% margin of error.

Speaking of The Great Wall--last week The Leader claimed the former presidents still around had endorsed it. He also mentioned that, "some," of the four living past presidents had told him they wished they had built it. Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama all immediately issued statements saying, metaphorically anyway, Trump was full of crap. Today, VP Mike Pence addressed the discrepancy by telling NBC News that when it came to the alleged support, "I know the president has said that was his impression from previous presidents."

Well, Mr. Vice President it is our impression Don Trump just made that horseshit up and now you're trying to clean the stable for him as best you can.

Yes, it has been an inauspicious beginning to 2019 and signs are not good it will improve any time soon. Tonight DJT will go on TV to make his pitch for The Wall. On Thursday he will travel to the border. The odds are good that while there he will declare a, "National Emergency," in an attempt to circumvent congressional funding.

Why not? It doesn't take much to know the fucker is thinking something along the lines of, Hey, I can do whatever I want. Even if the House impeaches me, the Senate will never convict.

Tragically, he's right.

sic vita est


1 comment:

  1. I recall once when president Carter called Hubert Humphrey, Hubert Horatio Hornblower." Mild enough, but no doubt embarrassing to the president. Be careful to guard your thoughts, they may become public, and you may be undone by your own hand - or mouth.
