Monday, May 14, 2018

Oklahoma Governor, Mary Fallin Experiences a Sudden Appearance of Balls

Sometimes things get so crazy even a torch carrying GOP howler like Oklahoma Governor, Mary Fallin has to pause for a moment in order to dial back the mob's NRA enflamed fervor. When those rare occasions happen some overly optimistic liberals will invariably spasm in wonder at the sudden appearance of a set of balls on that unexpectedly brave soul who has dared challenge the gun fetishists on what everyone assumes is their unassailable home turf.  

Of course, when you've reached the term limit of your office after being passed over for a job by Mr. D. Trump and Company like Fallin has, it really doesn't take that much courage to quash outright insanity--just a functioning brain. Luckily for the state, during one stunning moment of lucidity last Friday, she proved to have just that when she vetoed Oklahoma Senate bill 1212.

The law had been passed by that august body, 33-9. Then it flew through the state house of representatives 59-28. The measure weakened background checks on people buying hand guns by removing the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation from the process. It also enabled practically everyone to carry a side arm both concealed and in the open by eliminating the current required safety and competency training and the legal necessity for a state license. In other words, the statute allowed every state citizen who hasn't been convicted of a crime, or diagnosed mentally ill by a doctor, and is 21 years old--18 if in the military--to purchase a hand gun, load it, then walk around wherever they want like some new age John Wesley Hardin.

The downside to the law--which no one wanted to mention--was if you were planning to commit a violent crime, or shoot up a school just because you're bat shit crazy it would now be legal for you to openly carry the instrument of your deadly intent. There would be no more messing around trying to hide the damn thing either under a jacket, or in a back pack. In addition, it removed the threat some cop might actually haul you in before you open fire simply because he sees you're carrying a loaded weapon.

That's right Your Honor, the officer picked me and me alone out of a crowd of similarly armed people. How could he know I hear the voices of Tim McVeigh and Jim Jones in my head and been sodomized by fucking aliens. After all, I was wearing a polo shirt and slacks from Wal-Mart for God's sakes. I tell you it is nothing, but discrimination, pure and simple! The NRA Uber Alles!    

Supporters of the bill, the rough draft of which was handed to senate sponsors by the NRA's "Institute for Legislative Action," claim it was needed so people could defend themselves without having to pay the state a fee, or spend time leaning how not to shoot themselves, or others accidentally in the foot, or other body parts. It would, they pointed out, especially benefit the poor and the elderly who aren't able to afford the cost of the required training course, or license.

This new found compassion for the poor and aged is nothing more than self serving horse shit. Especially when you consider the costs of the training course and license are minor compared to the price of a legally purchased gun and the ammunition it uses.

SB 1212 had been opposed by almost every institute of higher learning and health care organization in the state. More importantly, because they are the ones who are going to have to figure out in a split second, which gun packing son of a bitch, is the actual perpetrator during an active shooter nightmare, law enforcement agencies were against it. In addition, the states two largest chambers of commerce--Oklahoma City and Tulsa--lobbied in opposition because, you know, it's tough to attract new businesses to a place where every potential felon can walk around with a on their hip night and day.

The NRA was quick to denounce Fallin's veto. It issued a statement which in part read, "...this temporary set back will be rectified when Oklahoma residents elect a new and genuinely pro second amendment governor."

Fallin put out a news release defending her decision which said, "Oklahoma is a state which respects the second amendment. As governor I have signed both concealed carry and open carry legislation. I support the right to bear arms and own a pistol, a rifle, and a shotgun. Again, I believe the firearms laws we currently have in place are effective, appropriate, and minimal, and serve to reassure our citizens that people who are carrying handguns in this state are qualified to do so."

Yes, yes we're all pro gun, just not pro gunfights in the streets. In order to make sure we don't think she has come completely to her senses, on the same day she vetoed the gun bill the governor signed a measure into law which allows religious based adoption agencies to refuse their services to gay couples.

Well hey, if you can't shoot them, at least make sure they won't be able to adopt kids, right?

Listen, when it comes to the that rogue elephant in the room, the NRA, you take your victories, as small as they are, whenever you can get them. You also enjoy them for the brief moments they last.

Let's face it, Mary Fallin will be gone in January 2019. The person who will replace her--and unless there is a miracle of biblical proportions it will be another republican--is being bought and paid for by the NRA even as these words are being typed.

Trust me. I know how these things work.


1 comment:

  1. This looks a bit odd. A conservative governor in the ultimate conservative state vetoing a right wing bill overwhelmingly passed in both houses. Why? Chances are very good her veto will be overridden. To say she had nothing to lose and no political future - maybe. That she has alienated her base - certainly. I would be very surprised to see her be successful for election to the US Congress or considered again for an appointive position. I doubt seriously she had an attack of conscience or enlightenment. Will say again, this looks very strange.
