Monday, March 11, 2013

Life in Byron: Own a Gun or Else!

Well you have to hand it to the pro gun mob in the United States. When push comes to shove in certain locales a tyrannical and over reaching government is as much to their liking as it is to any hard core Marxist out there.

Up in Byron, Maine the annual town meeting will be held tonight. The population of 140 some odd proud souls will vote on whether or not to require each of its citizens to own a firearm. That's right, if the proposal passes and you don't own a gun you will be in violation of a city ordinance. Well sort of.

Reuters' Sarah Mahoney is reporting that even though the vote will take place, such a law would not only be unenforceable, but it would be presumably in violation of a Maine state law that prohibits municipalities in the Pine Tree State from enacting any sort of gun legislation.

Head Selectman Ann Simmons-Edmund proposed the law. Mahoney quotes her as saying, "It was never my intention to force anyone in town to own a gun who doesn't want to. My purpose was to make a statement in support of the second amendment." Yes, well it isn't going to read that way on the town books is it, Selectman? Once it is written down as a law nuance and political symbolism go out the window. It is what it says it is, at least until either someone with brain, or the Maine Attorney General takes the town of Byron to court and gets it thrown out.

Byron isn't the only place in this vast land that is thinking about this. Mahoney reports that Selectmen in Sabbatus, Maine recently decided against putting a similar proposal up for a town vote. Perhaps the Selectmen of Sabbatus had the good sense to know that it was a useless piece of political theater to begin with, or maybe they took a look at the town's legal fund and decided they couldn't afford a lawyer when someone drags them into litigation over the stupidity.

In Nelson, Georgia a proposal to force the head of each household in town to own a gun will come up for a vote of the city council on April, 1st. The irony of the date alone says paragraphs about such legislation.

There are roughly 268 million Americans. The FBI's low ball estimate of privately owned guns is 200 million. I say low ball because the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms estimated that back in 1995 there were 223 million firearms owned by Americans. The Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva put the number in the year 2007 at 270 million.

Just about every day some NRA shill claims that if we all had guns the nation would be a safer place. Well according to those numbers everyone here all ready has one and so far it really hasn't worked out all that well for us. The deadly nonsense and now the cruel hypocrisy of the NRA and its supporters will never cease. If they really wanted to stop tyranny in this country they would give up their weapons of mass murder rather than trying to make the rest of us act and think just like them.

@GunDeaths and Slate are reporting that as of yesterday at least 2,607 Americans have been shot to death since the Newtown, Connecticut nightmare in December. In 1861 at a place called Bull Run, Union and Confederate armies waged the first large scale battle of the Civil War. If you count both sides over 60,000 armed combatants were on the field that day.The number of Union casualties, including both wounded and missing, was 2,950.

What a bunch of weenies.


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