Tuesday, January 26, 2021

The Possible Future of the Republican Party

 Marjory Taylor-Greene was elected to Georgia's 14th congressional district in November, 2020. That's not bad for a woman who initially filed for the state's 6th district, the one she actually lived in. Taylor-Greene was able to switch races because Georgia law allows a person to run for any seat so long as they are a legal resident of the state. If the same sort of statute applied to Oklahoma a person living in Idabel could run to represent the greater Boise City metroplex which sits 567 miles northwest.

The reason for her decision was fairly simple. The GOP incumbent, Tom Graves had decided not to run again. In addition the 14th is solidly republican, so much so it is rated as the 10th most republican district in the nation. On the other hand, the 6th, isn't a sure thing since its roots dip into the Atlanta suburbs and the heart of democratic territory in Georgia. 

And honestly, Marjory Taylor-Greene needed a sure thing to win, because, you see, she is bat shit crazy.

As late as 2017 Taylor-Greene was posting on social media accusations that Hillary Clinton was guilty of things like pedophilia, human sacrifice, and the murder of political enemies. The future Congresswoman was also a proponent of the pizza gate nonsense. In other words she has been an avid fan of the exquisitely amorphic alt right, alt reality guru, Q.

During that heady first year of Donald Trump's presidency Ms. Taylor-Greene posted a video on Facebook which featured her saying, "There's a once in a life time opportunity to take this global cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles out and I think we have the president to do it." 

A little less than two years ago she was saying a plane didn't hit the Pentagon on 9-11 and despite that big hole in the building there was no evidence of it ever happening. During the same time frame she claimed the entire nightmare of 9-11 was a U.S. government plot.

Indeed that pesky and wildly sneaky American government has always been in on evil shit. According to Taylor-Greene the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary and the one at Parkland, FL, Stoneman Douglas High School in 2018 were both false flag operations designed to whip up support for anti gun legislation. To prove how globalist the anti gun movement was she said the same thing about the massacre at a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand, although she never identified which flag was being--well--falsified.  

During her campaign last fall there was a feeble attempt to step away from all the previous madness. She remained mum on Q during the race and told the media she had found, "misinformation," on sites dedicated to it. However she never expressed regret for any of her previous writings and videos. Just as she never admitted some of that damnable misinformation might have come directly from her. 

Hey, as they say, we all must move on.

When she reached congress less than three weeks ago she immediately began screeching Georgia's governor and secretary of state, both life long republicans, had either been duped by Stacey Abrams, or sold Trump down the river for personal gain. Just to make sure we know she isn't fucking around the day after Joe Biden was inaugurated Taylor-Greene filed an article of impeachment claiming Biden had abused the power of his office.

This would be darkly comical, but given the events of January 6th and the unyielding insanity of people like Taylor-Greene and those who listen to her any humor is ill placed. Indeed, she and the like minded might be nuts, but so was Herr Hitler and the rest of his crew and look where that got Germany.

Yes, this is the horrific state of politics in America at the moment. Ladies and gentlemen meet, the gentlewoman from Georgia and the possible future of the republican party, Marjory Taylor-Greene.


Thursday, January 21, 2021

QAnon Dies a Sudden Death: Mighty Trump Has Struck Out, But Others Step Into the Batter's Box

Yesterday was a hard one if you are among those who believe in the Q mythology. The word had gone out after the failed coup on the 6th of January that their Golden Calf, Donald Trump had one more, grand, move to make.

The inauguration of Joe Biden was a gigantic set up perpetrated by the mystical leader they said. Trump had it planned perfectly. The entire democratic leadership had been lured into one place. Before either Kamala Harris or the President Elect would take their oaths of office all commercial TV and radio broadcasts would be cut off. Employing the National Emergency Broadcast System Trump would appear to declare martial law. At that moment the newly minted Space Force, the President's personal branch of the military, would arrest every single democrat present, plus a few of the Hollywood elite who were hanging out in Washington. Very quickly all those globalist pedophiles, baby eaters, and communist sons of bitches would be charged with crimes against humanity. Trump would then be sworn in for a second term making America truly great again.

That's right, the nation would be cleansed as operations rapidly spread out across the republic to shut down fake news outlets such as MSNBC, CNN, The New York Times, and any other perceived anti Trump organizations. The infamous lesbian, Rachel Maddow would be shot, or strung up. Sean Hannity would be beatified. Eric and Don Jr. would be free to hunt and kill wild game at the San Diego Zoo.

The belief in Trump's final solution was so solid some purchased HAM and citizen band radios in order to keep in touch with other believers and Trump himself. Others bought canned goods and bottled water in mass quantities in anticipation of temporary shelter in place orders while the military rounded up deviants and everybody to the left of Ted Cruz including neighbors and suspect family members. 

The sanity of those believing all this would happen could be and has been questioned. Some in the media have expressed sympathy for what they describe as poor deluded quasi cult members who were duped while living in some sort of information bubble far too weird for even Fox News. Others have no sympathy for people stupid enough to have bought what amounts to a political Brooklyn Bridge.

Whatever the case the whole Byzantine web came crashing down when the inauguration of Biden and Harris went off without a hitch. Trump fled to Florida early in the morning. The Proud Boys and others failed to show. The National Guard and Space Force remained steadfastly loyal to the constitution and much to their stunned horror, for the first time in years, reality reared its stone cold head.

Howls of betrayal reverberated through those social media sites which remained open to them. The cryptically vague Q had sold them out. Trump, who was widely considered anointed by God Almighty to rule the United States for as long as he wanted flew off to Mar a Lago whimpering like a beaten dog. They had been lied to--made, as Rudy Giuliani said on that brutal day two weeks ago, to look like fools.  

Yes an entire belief system went up in flames in a matter of minutes. The Lord's own had deserted them. For many it was the equivalent of Jesus Christ telling Pilate, Hey, I'm sorry, I really didn't think the idiots would take me seriously. Let me go and I won't give you any more trouble.

Where the followers of Q go from here is anyone's guess. The New York Times reports white nationalist groups are already trying to recruit the disenchanted. One thing is certain, most while crushed by the events of yesterday, still maintain the election was stolen by Biden and his nationwide network of operatives.

Indeed, even while the most desperate and crazed fantasies are proven wrong, others, equally outrageous, remain firmly fixed thanks to Cruz, Jason Hawley and other professional seditionists.

All we know at the moment is Hunter Thompson's axiom, "Cut off the head and the body will die," is sometimes wrong. Trump has retreated into shame, but other potential messiahs remain. The Q movement will evolve into something different. Just like the Millerites did when their leader predicted the second coming of Christ in the 1840's, but it failed to happen.. Elders quickly decided their founder's math was a tad off, then formed the Seventh Day Adventist Church.

In another vein, mighty Trump may have struck out, but, as we've seen too many times before, others are already jostling to take his place in the batter's box.

Sic Vita Est


Tuesday, January 19, 2021

2021 So Far: An Attempted Coup, the Plague Rages On, Another Trump Scam, the Two Missing Posts, and a Satanic Seance

 The year 2021 has started out nearly as badly as 2020 ended. How else can you describe not quite 20 days which have featured, among other things, an attempted coup in Washington D.C, a continuing plague that has killed 400,000 Americans, a vaccine rollout which now appears to be just another Trump scam, and a mad President who to this day continues to insist the November election was somehow rigged.

That's not to mention technical problems here and the two missing January posts which now exist on another blog. Indeed, after nineteen days of supreme frustration and despair all I can say is thank God for alcohol. 

And now we are 24 hours away from the inauguration of Joe Biden. Paranoia is running amok. The streets are full of National Guard troops assigned to keep a lid on the situation. News reports are rife with stories of impending chaos fomented by people using monikers such as Proud Boys, Three Percenters, and Oath Keepers. The latter being a group of former cops and military personnel who want to preserve the American Way by overthrowing its legally elected government.

Apparently such sentiment isn't reserved for the fringe any more. In fact it's so pervasive security officials are double and triple vetting the very people supposed to keep Biden and Vice President Elect Kamala Harris safe during tomorrow's ceremony. After all, everyone has a weapon, but no one knows what they are thinking.

The suspicion even reaches into the recently desecrated halls of congress. Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks helped incite the crowd before the coup. Freshman Colorado representative Lauren Boebert tweeted out, "This is 1776," before the deadly attack on the capitol building. After it began she alerted social media that Speaker Nancy Pelosi had been evacuated from the House floor. Later it was revealed in the days leading up to the siege she conducted a tour of the building for soon to be rioters.  

In some circles such a thing is called a recon patrol.

Meanwhile, much to the surprise of the insurrectionists, authorities are relentlessly tracking them down. Many of them seemed stunned by the turn of events. Some have even retreated to The Nuremburg Defense, claiming they were simply doing what the President wanted them to do. During the attempted coup their feeling of impunity was so utterly complete hundreds happily implicated themselves either on social media, or national TV. Others seemed blissfully unaware, or simply didn't care the capitol is riddled with security cameras which recorded their seditious buffoonery. 

The treachery and mayhem resulted in the sitting President of the Untied States being impeached by the House for a second time. It is a feat unmatched by any other chief executive in the history of the republic.

Since the putsch failed Trump has remained hunkered down in the White House largely silent. Word is he is contemplating at least 100 pardons, perhaps at the hefty price of two million per pop. In addition it is being reported he wants a grand send off tomorrow involving military bands, a 21 gun salute, and hundreds, if not more, of avid supporters. His addiction to crowds remains such the invitations to the event urge each guest to bring five friends.

Yes, 2021 is off to a rocky start. The nation hasn't been this close to the brink since 1861. After Joe Biden takes the oath as President his speech will contain a message of unity. That concept is easier to preach than achieve.

Think not?

This from Parler user, Lauren Witzke. She posted it right before the site was shut down, "The Biden/Harris inauguration is going to be an oversized Satanic seance and I highly recommend that Christians avoid it at all costs."

Yeah, good luck unifying with that, Joe.
